I want to take some essential oils with me to Europe in case any of my family gets sick. We will be flying on Vueling from London to Paris and on Ryanair from Paris to Pisa and then from Pisa to London, then flying out of Gatwick to come home. Has anyone taken essential oils through security at European airports? Is it a problem at all? These are small 15 ml bottles. I would probably take about 6 of them. But they are a bit expensive and I don't want them to be confiscated!
Why do you think they would be confiscated? It isn't like they are dangerous drugs or drugs at all. They aren't medicinal, they are just oils and no one will care about them at all. Put them in your clear plastic bag since they are liquid.
As long as you don't go over the limit allowed for liquids, you will be fine. Maybe it would help to split up the bottles among your family's carryon luggage. Lots of people travel with essential oils.
But if you run out of anything, you can find what you need in any health store or pharmacy in both London and Paris. The most I've paid for anything is around 8 EU.
Put them in one of your family's allotted 3-1-1- bags and you should be fine. You can take any liquid (I'm sure there are exceptions for dangerous things but not oils) as long as it's in a small enough bottle and fits in the bag.
I travelled w/ a few essential oils all throughout Europe on multiple airlines w/o issue. Just have them in marked bottles and be sure they fit in your designated "liquids bag" and you should be fine! Have a great time!
Oils are not controlled substances. As long as they fit in your 3-1-1 bag they won't even ask about them. They are no different than moisturizer or makeup, and no more likely to be noticed.