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England, Spain, or Ireland w/2 year old

My wife and are beginning to think through our Summer 2014 travels. By the time we make it to Europe in June our daughter will be about 22 months. While there are pros and cons to everything, I'm curious about others who have traveled to England, Spain, and Ireland and what your thoughts might be with regards to travel with a small child. Specifically, I'm interested in the amount of things to do where a small child would be welcomed if not entertained (we certainly don't plan to spend time only in toddler-oriented pursuits). Also, ease of getting around. We are pretty sure we'd need to rent a car in England/Ireland (because we've already seen the big cities in England). While this is not impossible, it is a little less desirable than not renting (since we wouldn't have to check a car seat). Other than that, I'm just generally curious about others' experiences traveling with little ones in these locations. We did a fair amount before our daughter came along but this will be our first big trip out of the states with her. :D

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92 posts

We took our 33 month old to England for three weeks in 1978. That was a long time ago! We took 2 carryon-size back packs and two daypacks and divided our daughter's clothing between our bags. We washed in hotel sinks with one or two trips to laundromats. We did not rent a car but travelled by train, tube and bus. The most important item we took was a light weight umbrella stroller. If she wanted to walk from the train station to the B&B we plopped the carry-ons in the stroller. It rained for two weeks of the three so we bought a stroller rain cover in London. Another strategy that paid off for us was to choose only a few places to stay and then take day trips from those locations. That was a fantastic trip we will never forget (though she doesn't remember it).

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3696 posts

While all places obviously have things for children to do (they live everywhere) I would probably opt for Spain, only because you said you have already been to England/Ireland. I would stay in the south, where you also have the option of the beach. I have been to all the locations, although not with a toddler, but would think given the Spanish culture you will find plenty to do with your child. Also, if you do rent a car at least you are driving on the same side as home...less to deal with. The only thing might be the late night dinners, but I am sure you can figure that one out. Now, if you are open to a whole new scenario I would choose Paris (lots to do with many parks, Disney for a day and plenty of kid friendly areas) then hop on a train to Provence and spend a week exploring villages, etc. with one home base. Spain will be very hot in June.
I traveled with a friend who took her toddler to Paris and we had a great time...although she was a bit older, but still did the stroller thing.

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410 posts

I cannot help with personal experience of travelling with a small child in any of these countries but I have spent time in them all and now live in Spain. Spain is incredibly child/family friendly. They adore children and children young and old are in restaurants til late at night, which is the Spanish way. Also be aware that it is considered very normal, in Spain (at least in Southern Spain where we live) to go up to a stranger´s child, admire him/him, talk to him/her etc.