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England's Economy & Travel

I was listening to NPR last night, and there was a news report on England's economy and Gordon Brown ok-ing another bailout, like in the US, for $55 billion (or the first one was for $55 billion). It was said that England is expecting a decade long deflation, with unemployment and home foreclosures, etc. worse than it was in 1946, right after WWII. I don't much about the inner-workings of economy, and I know this is going to sound awful, but I am planning a trip to London during the summer of 2010 (yes, I know it's far off) and I am wondering if England's faltering economy will benefit international travelers, specifically, hotel prices and air tickets????
If anyone has any input, I'd much appreciate you sharing you thoughts.
Thanks very much!

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348 posts

Having not heard the report you reference I can't speak to it directly, but if the economy does as you say they claim it should be great for tourists - except for two things. First, the same thing is probably going to happen to us which will greatly diminish our buying power as well. And second, who knows if they are actually right. If financial experts were really as good as they claim, they wouldn't have made the stupid decisions they did that got us into this in the first place.

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25 posts

All true, all true. Thanks for the insight. However, I'm hoping that being a teacher may somewhat save me from really getting s****** from this economy. I don't make six figures or anything, but at least I have a safe and stable job that allows for a raise every year (and good benefits). That's basically what I'm banking on to help me with my future travel endeavors.

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101 posts

Well all my family live in England and I can tell you now that if you want to do some shopping in the UK then now is the time to go. Prices on everything are way down and the Christmas and New Years sales are just continuing on into the year. Then again, I researched air fares and the prices seem to have gone through the roof and alot of airlines have stated they will be cutting back on the number of flights/seats that are available while also raising prices. Seems like they are screwing themselves out of business but there you go.
If the amount of people flying drops then that will carry over into the number of people visiting all the sights of the UK which will result in reduced revenue which should then result in those sights doing more to encourage people to visit i.e. dropping prices..special deals etc.
It is rough everywhere right now, in the Travel Section of newspapers here in Canada there are all kinds of awesome deals for Disneyland and other holiday destinations. As a whole the faltering economy is pretty good for those who still have money to burn on such things. It sounds terrible I know but there it is.
This year we were planning to fly to Paris but have decided to spend our dollars at home in Canada. Maybe drive to the east coast and support the economy as best we can

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25 posts

Thanks, Pete. Since I'm not planning to go to London until the summer of 2010, I'm hoping that what you wrote regarding less tourists = special deals, becomes the reality. It seems that ALL airlines cutting flights, and I agree, they are just going to end up screwing themselves. The future should been interesting! Like you, I am also supporting locally this year by vacationing in Key West, but I've just got to get to England...soon!!

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16787 posts

A lot can happen between now and the summer of 2010. While most economists believe 2009 will be as bad if not worse than 2008, they are hoping to see some improvement during the first and second quarter of 2010. Full recovery will not come for at least 3-4 years.

In regards to tourism, many companies will cut back. Airlines will cut the number of flights they operate to increase loads. HOtels will cut staff and services to stay afloat. Some will shut down. The very low cost hotels/hostels and the very expensive hotels will do much better than your average hotel/inn.

While those who promote tourism and their travel businesses will make it sound like everything's great, the dollar is up, prices are down etc,etc....the reality is we are facing increased numbers of unemployed and huge numbers of home foreclosures.

My guess is that more and more Americans will vacation closer to home this year and wait to see what happens in the future. The die hards on this board will go to Europe even if they have to swim and sleep under the stars.

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2136 posts

No one falters alone these days. Didn't the market drop nearly 400 points yesterday in part on news that the Royal Bank of Scotland is in big trouble? We were in Italy when it all started to melt Sept/Oct and the Italians were very sympathetic and offered us good wishes. How many days later that their headlines were reading like ours? Save your money and go when you can Amy. Anywhere we have ever been in Europe always was more expensive than here at home. And keep up the good work! We are 2 retired teachers here and know all about it. Hang in there!

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25 posts

Thanks, Denny! That's a very sweet sentiment, especially if you have any idea about what's going on with CA's economy and how it's affecting the Los Angeles Unified School District (strike looming...yikes!!!). Two retired teachers, huh? So is everyone in my family, except the current one--me. lol! I'm definitely trying to do my best. The funny thing is that since I posted my inquiry, I've been getting emails from all the discount travel sites for fights from various airlines--BA, Virgin, etc.--to England (from LA) for approx. $250 with 2 free hotel nights in a 3 or 4 star hotel (decent ones, too). It's too bad that we aren't going this summer now that those deals are popping up! Of course, the expenditures there would probably be through the roof! Alas, dreams die hard. I shall make it there. Enjoy retirement (at 34 with 6 years in, I only have to put in 26 1/2 years to retire with full salary and benefits...yikes again). Take care!

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12040 posts

Hey Frank, do you want to organize the first annual Halifax-to-Shannon swim?

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16787 posts

I'm not that much of a die-hard. Anyway, I've got tons of FF miles so I can wave at you guys from 30,000 feet. :)

There's a rumor out that USAir is thinking of starting seaplane service from the Hudson to the Thames.