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Engelbert Humperdinck: Britain's Eurovision Entry!

Have you seen this yet? Yeah, Baby! I'm gonna have to follow Eurovision this year...I like it when things get shaken up a bit ;-) (as long as nobody gets hurt...) It's not unusual (!) to assume Tom Jones, but I think EB is the sneakier choice. So...Discuss amongst yourselves!

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4412 posts

I'd really love to see and HEAR that video...if I could figure out what my husband's done to the flippin' speakers... again...grrrrr...

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3696 posts

Seriously Engelbert... I didn't know he was still alive. When does this start? Can we only watch it on youtube in the US?

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12040 posts

"When does this start? Can we only watch it on youtube in the US?" The competition is usually held over two nights in May. It's available on a live internet feed on the official website, but I don't know if you can watch it in all markets.

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4412 posts

Karen, teardrops are falling from your Spanish eyes; please, please don't cry... I still think The Lyrics Game would be ever-so-much more fun with Tom Jones' lyrics...orrrrrrr...wait for it... Monty Python lyrics!!! Groups are allowed in this competition! Picture it - the sheer beauty and genius of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Light", "The Lumberjack Song" (duh), or the brilliance of "The Brave Sir Robin Song"...(quietly weeping from pure joy)... OK - so who's got "The Bright Side" looping in their head ;-)

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2349 posts

Eileen, you'll never know how much I care...You went away and my heart went with you.

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241 posts

Rooting for him. No song yet. National interest is higher this year all of a sudden.

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8293 posts

I love this thread because it gave me a reason to remember a French Canadian guy I used to work with who pronounced the singer's name "Awn-jel-bare Umpooding". It always made me smile but admittedly it has a much more sophisticated sound than saying it the English way.

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241 posts

Just heard the Russian entry from the 76 year old. It'll def win.

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4412 posts

Norma, LOL! EDIT: This link NOW takes you to the Russian entry, and NOT the Slovenian entry LOL! Thanks, Nigel! The Russians' video: Not my cup of tea...but then most of Eurovision isn't. Maybe we can just send money towards building their church ;-) ? I was surprised by this quote from Tom's linked article: "While some countries compete for the Eurovision title in earnest, the contest has for many become an object of mockery." Wha??? (snort/giggle) After listening to many videos, so far my fave is from Denmark, although Belarus is OK...I had high hopes for the pretty boy from Slovakia, but his brand of hard rock/metal is too blah for my taste. Also, he needs to wear some more clothes ;-) For those who want to play along, here's a starting point: "Come on and party for everybody (and boom-boom-boom-boom...)"

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33513 posts

It seems that the video was of the Slovenians, not the Russains. Funny hat... Go EH>>>

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4412 posts

Crikey!!! Thanks, Nigel... Sooooo much better (or...not) ;-) Nigel, do I detect some overwhelming, national enthusiasm for Your Boy, EH?!? (still wish they got Tom Jones, shaking head sadly...he'd kick some bootah)

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1806 posts

Who's Englebert Humperdinck? I can only assume he's some old guy that Baby Boomer women must throw their granny panties at when he's on stage... Oh to watch the Father Ted episode on Hulu where he enters Eurovision with Dougal.

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4412 posts

Take this lump of sugar, Ceidleh, you know you want it! Ah...My Lovely Horse. "I want to run my fingers through your tail..." Watch the scene with Kleenex; you'll need them: Also, I couldn't get the link to Eddie Izzard to work; here's another one if someone else has trouble: Cringlebert Fistybuns...Oh, boy...8^D

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33513 posts

Oh dear, I think that may be the winner. I'd vote for the babushkas. How could you not love that face? Did you see those shoes? To die for!! I'm afraid EH has a problem. I'll vote babushkas, and I expect they will clean up the Balkan vote, with a fair dollup of Scandinavian...