Not a contest I'd be particularly proud to win, but I'd stack up my mouth full of crowns, implants, fillings (many of them with decades of wear and tare on them) and a long lifetime list of serious dental issues against any of yours (yeah, and turn that music down and get off my lawn...). I've spent a lot of time "in the chair" so don't poo-poo my large-bottle-of-Advil-dental-plan thinking that I just don't know what it's like when things going wrong in your mouth. I know all about agony. I also know my tolerance for pain, and I know very well how my body responds to over-the-counter pain meds. I have a lifetime of experience with dental procedures, enough to know that I really do not want to have any done on me when I'm in the middle of nowhere, either self-administered or by well-intentioned but ill-equipped "bush dentists."
Knowing all this, I do make it a point to have my oral business in order well in advance of any foreign travel. I'm pretty well in-touch with what's going on with my dental issues (regular visits to the dentist helps, but I don't rely entirely on xrays and other info provided by my dentist - I know more about what's stirring there than they do). I'm also quite careful while on a trip. Sticky toffee - are you serious? To me, that would be like sticking a loaded shotgun in my mouth and fiddling with the trigger! No, thank you!
Of course, everyone's different and you do what you think is right for you, but I'm not going to become an ad-hoc self-dentist unless I've reached a Tom Hanks/Cast Away level of desperation. Short of that, I know a bottle of ibuprofen will get me through until I can reach the relative comfort (well, relief) of my dentist or some reasonable substitute, even if that takes a couple weeks. To each their own (but no chewing gum for me, thanks, at home or in the Sahara).
Careful how you chew out there!