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Emergency Assistance Plus Coverage from AAA

I recently received a solicitation from AAA offering "Emergency Assistance Plus", which purports to offer medical evacuation, medical assistance, and other coverage for both international and local travel. It's an annual policy - $129 for an individual, $149 for member and family.
After following some of the recent threads on this forum regarding various travel insurance products, investigating links to Travelguard and other policies, and doing some comparison shopping, this seems too good to be true. Is it?
Although I still have my own "due diligence" to perform I'm curious as to whether any of the contributors to the forum have experience with this policy. Seems legitimate, and since it's a AAA offering I'm hesitant to just chuck it, and so would welcome commentary and recommendations from others with more experience on this matter.
Thanks in advance.

Posted by
682 posts

We purchased the EA+ plan through the University of Oregon Alumni Association. We've never had to use it, but it seems legitimate. I signed up for emails from them and they always include reports from customers who have used the plan (and are happy with it), but I, too, would like to hear if anyone on the forum has had experience with them. One thing to note is that this is evacuation insurance, not cancellation or medical care insurance.

Posted by
9182 posts

Robert, I am curious so went to the national AAA website, and could find no such link or offer. I do see, under "Travel Insurance" a link to Allianz Global, which is an established provider. Is there a link you were provided in your solicitation? I found a company called Emergency Assistance + , which I can't tell is affiliated with AAA.

Posted by
3203 posts

I won't use AAA for an entirely different reason. I use US Rider. I own a horse and occasionally trailer him to lessons, shows, etc. If my truck breaks down AAA will not attend to my horse but US Rider has made its reputation in the horse community for assistance where trailering is involved. The two times I have used US Rider for non-horse truck problems, once locking my keys inside my truck and another when the truck broke down, the first question US Rider asked was if I was hauling a horse. If I had been hauling my horse, they will assist with hauling the horse to a nearby vet, boarding facility or (since my horse lives at) home. AAA will leave my horse by the side of the road.

Posted by
9182 posts

OK, looks like AAA-Colorado offers connection to third party, but not my state AAA.

Posted by
16790 posts

Its not offered by all AAA areas. Mine doesnt have it.

The one thing I would check is to see where they will evacuate you to. Some will get you to your home hospital and others to the nearest facility that can properly care for you.

Posted by
3089 posts

The site quotes a non member rate for the same coverage - higher that that for members but still a bargain if the degree of coverage and services provided can be believed.

Posted by
1307 posts

That does it. I'm not going to take my horse to France with me on my next vacation.

Posted by
3522 posts

Since there is no direct link from the Colorado AAA page to this one, I would call and ask someone at AAA if they are aware of this and if it is official. The coverage does sound good, but not too good to be true. Please check the BBB for some interesting complaints on this company and their offers.

Posted by
23742 posts

We have had the insurance for a number of years. BUT have never used it. Hope it works when we need it. They have been very responsive when we have asked questions. Unfortunately you never really know the policy until you use it.

Posted by
17604 posts

Insurance is state-specific, depending on where you reside. Each state has an insurance commissioner or similar office which regulates the companies and plans they can offer to residents. That is why the insurance application starts by asking where you live. So this evacuation policy may not be offered in every state, which may explain why many AAA members cannot find a link to this from their own state AAA.