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Embedding links

I've been asked how to put those hyperlinks in a posting.

You have to understand that what you put in that little text box is sent to someone's web browser, which is an

HTML code interpreter. You have to write the link in html code.

Some browsers, such a Firefox, have addons that will automat the process. I prefer "writing to the metal".

HTML code consist of instructions, or tags, imbedden in brackets, <tag>.
The tag for a link is called an "anchor" tag, <a>.
<a... > opens the "anchor" to the link. </a> closes it.

The format of a link is <a href="URL">link name</a>

"href=" means hyperlink reference
URL must start with "http://" or the browser will look for the link on the current website, instead of on the web.

The link should include the statement target="blank" for the link to open on a separate page.

So, for a link to the website in Bacharach, we would write

<a href="" target="


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430 posts

German Rail Site

Testing... IT WORKED!! Woo hoo! Now when I ask my kids tonight what they learned today, and they ask me back... I've got something I can tell them!!

Thanks Lee!

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19099 posts

BTW, after you post a link, try it. It's easy to make a small mistake in syntax, and the link won't work. You can always correct it with the "edit" button.