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email multiple hotels for reservations at once?

I was wondering whether people send out multiple email requests for reservations and then accept one while declining the rest, or just do one at a time until they get an offer (at a price they will pay).

The way the game goes, you email a hotel to see if there is availability and they respond with prices if they have room; then you send your credit card info to hold the room. In the past I've done one email at a time, figuring that the hotel is going to hold the room for a day or two waiting for a response. I didn't want to pull 3 or 4 rooms off the market when I was only going to need 1 of them.

However for my next trip this hasn't been working so well; I've run into a stretch where a bunch of hotels are full on the days I need, and doing 1 request every day or two is taking a long time.

So I thought I'd check with other travelers and see if people think its ok to send out multiple requests (and of course send a email promptly declining offers I'm not going to take), or if the hotel industry tends to frown on this.

Posted by
629 posts

We emailed one hotel per area and then emailed a second hotel if there was no response the next day. One hotel took 7 days to respond - we had already booked at another and declined the late responder. You can email as many as YOU feel like, I just don't want to get confused on which hotel is which.

Posted by
2297 posts

I always send out several requests at once. In my experience, even if they all answer (which they seldom do) some of them will be above my budget, some won't be able to offer the accommodation we need (family of 4), some will not be available.

In the end we usually end up with a maximum of 3 possible options for one location, pick the one that seems to work best for us, book it, respond to the rest with a polite "thanks for the information, but not this time" or something along those lines.

I see no reason why I should limit myself to 1 request per day. You do need to keep your email inbox organized though and make sure you can sort through the appropriate emails.

Posted by
171 posts

I will send out at least two or three at a time, asking what price they can offer for the dates and length of my stay, and when I choose one I email back to confirm, and ask if they want a cc# to hold the room, which is not always neccessary, and if so, I email that back to them, and re-confirm the dates and ask for a confirmation that they got the cc information. It seems like a long process, I guess, but then I save that price confirmation and print it out to take with me so there aren't any surprises when I get there. I don't usually email back places that I didn't choose, since I was only asking for a price, not making a reservation.

Posted by
23557 posts

I think I am with the majority. Send out three or four requests at the same time. I doubt seriously if they hold a room for me until I accept. I can remember a couple of times requesting availability and rate, only to be told a couple days later that the rate or the room was no longer available when I tried to confirm the reservation. It is part of the game.

Posted by
1317 posts

I'm an obsessive planner, so I research for days until I finally decide on one hotel. Since I tend to book early and travel in the off-season, I usually get my top choice.

However, when a mix-up meant we had to reserve a month before the trip, I emailed 2-3 places asking about their availability & rates. We went with the one that emailed back first. I see nothing wrong with multiple inquiries if that works for you.

Posted by
3313 posts

I never thought sending multiple e-mails a problem. I do this all the time. It's fun to do my research and send the e-mails in the evening here and then get up in the morning and see who responded. I always ask for price and availability, though, so I'm not "tying up" any rooms.

Posted by
5678 posts

I used to worry about sending out more than one request, but I don't any more. I now usually do about three at a time. I'm not always as early as I would like with my reservations and this way I'm more apt to get something reasonable. I find that there are many smaller places that don't bother to respond so you have to have a broader search.
