Hi All you wonderful, helpful, knowledgeable folks!
It just occurred to me I will need to charge my little digital camera whilst away. Could someone tell me exactly what I need to purchase to do that in Germany, France, and The Netherlands? Thanks.
Hi All you wonderful, helpful, knowledgeable folks!
It just occurred to me I will need to charge my little digital camera whilst away. Could someone tell me exactly what I need to purchase to do that in Germany, France, and The Netherlands? Thanks.
You need to check the nameplate on the Charger that came with your Camera (it will be a small label, probably on the bottom). You're looking for the Input Voltage ratings.
If this states "Input Voltage 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz." then all you'll need is an inexpensive Plug Adapter. You can obtain Plug Adaptors at Radio Shack, Magellans and many travel & luggage stores.
If you have any questions on the spec's listed on the nameplate, post another note.
It's a Canon digital Elph and the nameplate says Input: 100v-240v AC 50/60Hz
It also says to read my Instruction Manual...oh yeah, that thing! :0 I'm sure it speaks to my question.
elle, thanks, that clarifies the situation. The Chargers for Digital Elph models are well designed for travel. I'm assuming yours is equipped with folding pins?
I also use Canon Cameras and have found that most of their Chargers are designed for "world operation". You should be able to find Plug Adapters at local shops but if not you'll be able to obtain these at Magellans. They're located in Santa Barbara, I believe.
The Euro Plug Adapters have two round pins. There are good photos of these on the Magellans website.
Happy travels!
You can also buy world adapters at any Target or Walmart for much less.
Ha! I just returned from THREE Target stores and all were out of the adapters.
My charger does have the folding pins. I'll probably just order up an adapter or try a travel store near here or in San Francisco. I see the Travel Store here at Rick Steves sells adapters for $1.00???? Is that all I need?
Yes, that's all you'll need if that's the only device you have to charge.
Are there no Radio Shack stores in your area? You didn't say when your trip is, but if you have time you could order either from Rick's Travel Store or from Magellans.
One other suggestion - I normally travel with at least two of each Adapter, in case I inadvertently forget one in the Hotel room or whatever. I've also loaned them to other travellers in the past (especially in Hostels).
The Euro style Adapter is all you'll need for the countries you mentioned, however if you'll be in the U.K. at all they use a different style (three large rectangular pins, one of which may be plastic in the ungrounded version).
You might also find individual adapters at ACE hardware. The pins on the one marked Southern Europe are 4.0mm (5/32") diameter and fit anywhere on the continent; the Northern Europe adapter has 4.8mm (3/16") diameter pins and won't fit the receptacles in Italy.
One thing you should know is that the receptacles in Northern Europe are recessed about 3/4 of an inch in a 1¼" diameter cavity. Pins protruding from a flat surface will not go in far enough to engage.
If you want visuals, go to
This shows what all the plugs and outlets look like.
I just looked at the chargers for both my iphone and a second "oldie" phone- there is nothing written on them- would they need adaptors?
If the Chargers were sold on North America, then they will almost certainly require Plug Adapters. However, the big question is whether they will also require a Voltage Converter?
I've never seen a Charger that didn't have nameplate data listed on it somewhere. Sometimes this is "molded" into the plastic, and is very hard to read. The manuals that came with both products may have information on the input voltage. You could also check with the manufacturers of each of the products to see if they can provide any information.
It's extremely important to get this sorted before you travel, as if you connect a device designed only for 115 VAC in Europe, the Charger will self destruct very quickly.