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Economy Comfort Seats on Delta

I just booked my trip to Belgium today (yay!) and was given the option to upgrade to economy comfort for $80 per person. I am considering the upgrade just for the possibility of having enough comfort to finally get some sleep before arriving in Europe. The most sleep I ever had on the way over is 20 minutes and that was in 5 minute increments:( So, has anyone experienced the economy comfort seats on delta? What are your thoughts? Was it a big difference?

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23550 posts

I don't have any experience with Delta but believe it is the same as United. An additional 5". It is surprising the difference 5" make. It is worth it especially if a little tall.

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1152 posts

I opted for the slightly larger leg room on a flight I took to Europe last month. Was it worth it? It is a close call. I'm average height, so the extra leg room mostly made it a bit easier to move about in the seat and get up. It did not help me sleep any better, though. It would take a seat that reclines more for that I'm afraid. I can't remember. Was it $80 for more room for each leg of the flight or for round-trip? If it is round-trip, I'd go for it. If it was one-way, it would require a lot more thought and weighing possible better uses of $160.

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23550 posts

At 6-2" it was more than worth it for me. On United it was $100 for the leg over. We came back on Lufthansa which did not have it and I missed it.

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5678 posts

Do it! For a long flight it is definitely worth it. Pam

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951 posts

Well I upgraded. I get on the plane earlier than the steerage class ;) and I get free spirits, so maybe there will be some sleep. I really am just looking for that extra comfort. I really didn't think this trip would be pulled off this year, so I am calling it my miracle trip. Plus it may also be my honeymoon, so it is nice to go over in a little bit more class.

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361 posts

We had never flown Air France but we opted to do so from LAX to CDG and selected their Premium Voyageur seating which is AF's version of Delta's Economy Comfort. You board ahead of steerage, get a decent meal and with Air France if you are real lucky, and we were, you get upgraded to Business Class. On the way home we did not get upgraded BUT the extra legroom and more comfortable seating was worth the little extra we paid. Go for it!

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931 posts

Kelly, we just grabbed Econ Comfort "$80 one way" on our Delta flight back from Spain in June. I'm 6'3", so it was great. The free booze was equally great, but I never got any sleep in those seats either. I was just as happy with the wonderful standard aisle seats on the flight over. The Delta planes from the West Coast to Amsterdam have great "seat pitch". The only way I got any sleep on our return trip was the final leg (JFK to PDX) That plane was empty, and I stretched out over 4 seats and fell asleep. I just can't sleep on flights "over-the-pond". I don't worry anymore; I am just so happy that I can go to Europe that I let that " happiness" take over each time we make the trip.

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154 posts

It's worth the $80.00! We noticed a marked difference and asked for the economy comfort seats on our return flight from Ireland to the US. We were happy they had a few seats left that we could purchase.

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101 posts

I just booked a business trip to Hong Kong and we opted for the $120 each way on Delta - at 16 hours it was almost a no brainer! This will be my first time trying the Economy Comfort as they didn't have it in February when we went to Italy. Enjoy your trip!

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510 posts

I went to Delta to check out economy comfort. It looks like you have to purchase a ticket to get the option. Is that correct? How can you tell if it will be offered or not?

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1152 posts

Sherry, I think there is no way to know for sure until you book the ticket. There were only about 21 seats on my last flight that were Economy Comfort. It is first come, first serve. If it makes a difference in what flight you select, I guess the only option is to book over the phone directly with Delta.

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931 posts

Sherry, our EC seats did NOT show up when we first booked our seats on the internet. The gal that sat in the seat next to me had the same thing happen. Both of us were reviewing our flights at a later date, saw the option, and grabbed 'em! It would really be worth it to call Delta (when you are think about booking a certain flight) to see if they are available.

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510 posts

I went back to the Delta site and poked around. I discovered that once flights are ed you can then view available seats. The diagram shows what economy comfort seats are available. Thanks for posting this on the wall because I will definitely be looking into this option for my next trip to Europe. Thinking about two weeks in Provence.....

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345 posts

After reading these posts, I contacted Delta about the economy comfort seats for a trip to Paris. I was told that since I am actually travelling on Air France from Atlanta to Paris, I have to wait until I check in at the Air France desk in Atlanta. I asked "why" because I would actually be checking in for the flights in Minneapolis. The Delta representative didn't know why. I also asked if that was the case, would others be able to purchase the seats when making their reservations and then I would have less of an opportunity to obtain on of the seats. Again, she wasn't sure. I think I will call again and ask another representative. If I am willing to pay for the economy seats, it shouldn't make a difference if I amy using frequent flyer miles for my ticket. After all, I have already paid for enough tickets to earn the miles. We shall see!

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23550 posts

The bigger possibility is that the Air France plane does not the economy plus section. I think it is only available on certain Delta planes. It is not universal.

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345 posts

I talked to four different people at Delta and Air France. I got four different stories about the Delta and AF seats. I was told four different prices for the seats. I want to book the seats on an AF flight to Paris. Howsever, I haven't been able to do so and supposedly won't be able to do so until I check in for my flight. I have tried websites and talking to people. No luck yet but I keep trying to see if one of the stories will change.

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141 posts

Bev: I'm going through the same issue with Air France. The last information I received - I hope it is reliable - is that I could upgrade to a Seat Plus when I check in online. The earliest you can check in online is 30 hours prior to your flight. The cost is 50 Euros if your flight is less than 9 hours and 70 Euros if your flight is more than 9 hours (Seattle to Paris is 9hr45min). I also learned that you can pay for an extra checked bag and receive a 20% discount on the additional cost if you do so online. This will come in handy (if my evil shopaholic personality shows up) on my return trip. :-) The downside of the Seat Plus is that you are often placed in the bulkhead/emergency exit rows. So no carry on items on the floor in front of you and with my plane, video screen & tray table is in the armrest. Being 5'10" - it is worthwhile if I can get it. Good luck to you!

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141 posts

Bev: I just received confirmation from Air France. Seat Plus is only available upon check in.

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316 posts

I recently booked an economy comfort seat for a flight to Italy in November. It's not so much the extra leg room, which is going to be wonderful, as the extra incline with the Delta seats. That and boarding early make it worth the additional $80. Econ comfort wasn't available coming home but it's a day flight so I won't sleep much anyway. As other posters pointed out, the cost is not shown until the ticket is booked. I would assume it's because some of the leg options wouldn't have this available.

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345 posts

I am going to keep trying for the AF seats, either when before I check in online or calling the Delta/AF phone numbers. They will either just get tired of me and book the seats OR put a hex on me so I get the worst service ever! :) and :( The extra leg room will be worth the cost.

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884 posts

I will definitely look for this when we fly AF next time. On my last trip with them, the space was so tight, I literally could not bend forward more than six inches without hitting my head on the seat in front of me. I had real difficulty getting my bag under the seat and had to use my legs to lift it up before grabbing it with my hands. The sad part is that I'm pretty short (5' 3") and do not weigh much. Cannot imagine if I was taller. I also did not want to recline my seat because the poor folks behind me were also in the tight space. Lets say I felt really trapped and the only saving grace was that I had the window seat, so could lean sideways for a break.
It is a bit of a cost though. That does buy lots of coffee and ice cream once in Europe. Decisions, decisions!

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26 posts

I just booked a flight to Amsterdam on Delta and am seriously considering the upgrade (I'm 6'2"). Not sure how much sleep I'll get on the flight, though the free booze might help a bit. ;) Before you choose one of the seats, check SeatGuru, as not all of those economy comfort seats are equal.

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951 posts

Well my flight got my dismay. I was to fly out of ATL and am now flying out of JFK. The seat that I chose for ATL to BRU was listed as a good seat on Seatguru; the seat I was listed to be in on JFK-Bru was without full recline. The website was going to charge me to change my seat. On a phone call to Delta, they refunded my $160 ($80 per person), charged me $100 ($50 per person) and moved me to a better seat and away from the bathroom. So the bad news was that I would be flying out of an airport I didn't want to fly out of but the good news is that my economy comfort upgrade was even more cheap flying out of JFK. So it is interesting how the price changes from flight to flight.

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1 posts

You CAN book economy comfort directly. On the Delta website choose advanced booking. There is an option called "Search for a particular cabin or fare class" Scroll down and pick a W fare/premium economy. I do not yet know if it is worth it -- our flight is in November.

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2168 posts

It is absolutely worth it! We flew from Atlanta to Paris last week, and spent the $80 each for economy plus. The only seats left were in front of the exit row, so we didn't have a full recline, but it was still such a good decision. The early boarding, the extra legroom, and the free Bailey's after dinner (normally we avoid alcohol on transatlantic flights but since it was free ....). We didn't book economy plus for our trip home, and wish we had. Now all those seats are taken.

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69 posts

Hi Kelly, give yourself a nice treat and buy the Economy Comfort. You get: Early boarding, seating in the front rows of Coach, extra legspace and extra seat recline, and will be among the first in Coach to disembark upon arrival. It appears you can book and pay your Economy Comfort seat under "My Trips" on Delta's website. However, judging from my own experience flying Economy Comfort on KLM, I will not go as far as calling it an "upgrade", rather it is more comfy being in a Comfort seat (which is essentially a Coach seat) due to the extra amneties as mentioned above. You will obviously be seated in the Economy section of the aircraft. There was some talk about AF and their Economy Comfort seats earlier. This product does not exist on AF. They have Premium Voyager instead, which is NOT Economy Comfort, rather it is a Premium Economy product (consider it "somewhere between Business class and Economy"). You have far greater seating in your own dedicated cabin with ca. 24 seats only (less noise), but Coach catering service. I think this AF product is great, but comes at almost double the ticket price of Coach. The Seat Plus product is a funny, I think, AF invention, and is often just being the front rows of any seat section in Economy class, thus more leg space. Unfortunately, on their B777, these rows have no windows. So much for Seat plus! Bon voyage!