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eating out in europe

Is Scandinavia more expensive than Switzerland?

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12040 posts

If you're specifically talking about eating in decent quality restaurants, here's my informal ranking, most to least expensive, based soley on my personal experiences: Norway > Switzerland > Sweden > Finland > Denmark. Alcoholic drinks are expensive everywhere in the Nordic countries (even if you buy them in a grocery or convenience store), but cost about average in Switzerland. Swiss wine is almost as cheap as German (which is very cheap!).

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2 posts

As far as I know Switzerland is not more expensive than Scandinavia. I've been to Denmark and a pint costs £6 where as in Switzerland it costs less.
And McDonalds depending on what menu its comes to CH12 which is £7 and Denmark the same. So in my opinion Scandinavia is the most expensive part of Europe.

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11294 posts

"Scandinavia" is not one country. I have not been to Denmark in many years, so I can't comment. But I went to both Sweden and Norway in 2003, and Norway was clearly more expensive. Finland (Nordic but not Scandinavia) was cheaper than either (a bit - it's no bargain). A recent New York Times article bears this out. The author of their Frugal Traveler column emphasizes how much higher costs in Norway are than in the other nearby places, and he has some ideas on how to save: Rick's Scandinavia book (or his Snapshot guides to parts of the region) also have some money-saving tips. Particularly for hotels, he lists some very reasonable deals if you go during the summer. I haven't been to Switzerland, so I can't compare it directly to Scandinavian countries.