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Easier Way to Report Spam Please

Can you please create an easier way to report spam? This user "277789353" is clearly selling something and every one of their posts is spam. A report button would be very nice.

Posted by
1178 posts

I copy the listing on the "all topics" page (the only page I go to ) and then go to another posting and at the bottom you will find "report violations" Click on it and hit paste in the posting/subject and in the message block as well......Complicated, but this is the 'progress' that the new page apparently requires. Like you, I wish there was a 'report violation' button to push.

Posted by
4637 posts

This spammer 2777etc. used my post and then just added link to his sales page. So at the beginning it looks like a real post. I am also for simplifying procedure to report violations. For example this violation is not immediately noticeable. Report button would enable to get rid of it quickly.

Posted by
4180 posts

Looks like the spammer 2777+ hit a multitude of posts. I wonder how they do that? One at a time? Very annoying and always timed so that there's no one at "home" to get rid of the spam.

Posted by
2393 posts

Yes they time them pretty well. A report button that suspends the post in la-la land til reviewed would be great - that way a spam post would get very little exposure on the site - may help deter them.

Posted by
2788 posts

I surf this web site 99 days out of 100 and when I find an obvious spam I take down the offending post's information and send an e-mail to the Webmaster. Don't know if the Webmaster appreciates that or not but it sure seems to work. thank you Webmaster(s). aloha

Posted by
1446 posts

Andrew The Webmaster, if you are reading this, can a mechanism be put in place to better regulate newly-registered users?
Maybe having the first post's appearance delayed by several hours...
A confirmation of registration by e-mail (verifying the ISP)...
I'm sure that you're pulling your hair out come Monday mornings as things stand now.

Man, oh, man this 'Jason the docs' guy is seriously bugging me!!!!!
Sometimes, I like my food cold, and since he conveniently provides his e-mail address, I may go visit a 'high volume sign-up for many, many e-mails' site and...