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Ear Plugs

Does anyone have any tips for keeping ear plugs in your ear at night? I have trouble with them falling out.

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10344 posts

I've tested different types over the years and here's what I suggest trying first, to see if it works for you: buy the compressible foam type, you can get them at Rite-Aid or Walgreen. Get just one or two pairs for starters for a few bucks, to see if you like them. These are the same kind widely available for visitors in industrial plants. If you follow the instructions on how to use them, then they're very effective, won't fall out during the night, and don't feel uncomfortable. If you like them you can buy a box of 10 pairs which should suffice for a trip no matter how many hotel rooms over terrace bars in Florence you sleep in.

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2941 posts

Kent is right (as always) but I would also suggest you try them at home before you go, sleeping with them in and using your travel alarm clock to see if you can hear it through the ear plugs. They're supposed to mute the noise but if it's at the expense of missing your early morning flight, they're not worth much! There are also a number of different kinds of foam compressable ear plugs, you might have to try a couple of kinds before you find the right fit.

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10344 posts

CL makes a good point: the problem with the type I recommended is that they are too effective, you may not hear an alarm clock unless it is very loud (set it to buzz) or arrange for a wakeup phone call if possible and put the phone near your bed.

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16818 posts

I have trouble sleeping with ear plugs so I got a small portable white noise machine to block outside noise. It sounds like a fan and works great. They usually also include an alarm clock and even a radio. Very lightweight.

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9371 posts

The type of ear plugs that Kent recommended can be found in different levels of noise reduction, so check the labels. I frequently use them at work, but some jobs require different levels. And I've used various kinds of them daily (all day at work) for months at a time with no irritation or problems. In fact, the more you use them, the more practice you get at inserting them properly to get the best effect from them.

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530 posts

I've tried several foam-type earplugs for using when motorcycling. I have trouble with them staying put in the ear canal. Also, if you have sensitive eardrums or are susceptible to ear infections, they are not that great.

I just discovered some wax-type earplugs. These are round discs that you press into your ear to seal the opening, but they do not insert into the canal. Instead they cover the canal. They have just enough stickiness to keep the seal and not fall out or move around until you want them to. You can use each pair up to five times (sounds kind of gross, but since they don't go in the ear canal it's actually okay).

They are called Mack's "Pillow Soft" Earplugs and are available at most department stores.

And no, I don't work for Mack's.

Have a great (and quiet) trip!

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9371 posts

Are they recommended for use while sleeping, though? I would think that your body heat would cause them to soften too much over an extended period of time, making them difficult to remove.

Posted by
25 posts

My mom uses the wax ones every night, and has done so for years. With no problems, my dad snores like crazy. I use the yellow plastic ones you can by at the hardware store. They come on cord so I'm not always losing them and they last longer and I think they are more comfortable and stay in better. They only cost a couple of bucks.

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1717 posts

I have been using Mack's wax ear plugs (anti noise) for 27 years. They help me to be able to sleep at places where there is noise : in airplanes, hotel rooms at noisy locations. The ear plugs are a light gray color. It adheres in the ear, it does not get soft and fall out during the night. I roll it into a ball. It can easily be pulled out of the ears. I am awaken by my alarm clock noise in the morning. If these ear plugs do loosen during the night, and there is a gap, it does not matter, because it happens when the person is asleep. The purpose for wearing ear plugs is to become asleep. Mack's ear plugs are in a rectangular clear plastic box (4 ear plugs in one box). That brand, or the same ear plugs of a different brand, are available at Wal Mart.
The ear plugs made of pink wax become soft and fall out of the ears while the person is sleeping. Ear plugs made of any other material do not block noise for me.

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530 posts

Nancy - They do not fall out while sleeping. They were recommended to me by a friend whose husband snores and she (and I) use them for sleeping. Unlike some other folks, I have trouble hearing my alarm in the morning when I wear them, even though it's quite loud, and that's my only hesitation in using them.

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2787 posts

Living in Waikiki, Hawaii (Noise Central of Paradise) most of the year, I use foam type ear plugs like has already been mentioned. Sometimes I hear the phone or front door knocker and sometimes I don't. I also take that type whenever I travel. I have tried several different types of ear plugs including two pairs of custom made ones (one small, one large) and prefer the foam ones by far. Do try some out before your head out for Europe to find ones that are comfortable for you.

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11 posts

Thanks everyone for your thoughts!