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Eagle Creek Hidden Pocket Vs Neck Pouch

Anyone try a Hidden Pocket on a summer trip? Just wondering how it went. I'm considering buying one instead of using a neck pouch as I usually do. I'm going this summer, it'll likely be warm and I will just be wearing one of those very thin quick dry travel shirts. The neck pouch creates a bulge right in the middle of the chest. And with perspiration, this could turn out to be a horrible mess. Nobody needs that kind of aggravation during their travels. So whaddaya think about the Hidden Pocket?

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224 posts

Yikes! Surely I did not intend to initiate a debate over brands. Didn't even realize Rick had his own Hidden Pocket. The concept is what I 'm wondering about . The neck pouch IMO is just not for me unless the weather is cold and I have a jacket or sweater on top the shirt. I already tried the money belt and I don't like it in any weather.
That only leaves the hidden pocket.

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9109 posts

The hidden pocket works great. I find it more comfortable then the traditional money belt. But I use it in conjunction with my neck punch. When I'm in transit from one city to another and I have to access my passport/rail pass/ticket, I use the neck pouch. When I'm just out sightseeing the hidden pocket works best.

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2092 posts

But Allen, why an Eagle Creek instead of a Rick Steves' when you're on his site? I have had both brands and actually find the Rick Steves' brand the best! (No, I'm NOT getting paid to say this!!!)

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19237 posts

I started my first trip with a money belt, but it never made it to Europe (not in use, anyway). Perspiration was causing my pass port to curl badly, so the belt was replaced with the neck pouch by the time I landed. Used the neck pouch ever since. Seems the hidden pocket occupies the same area as the money belt so I would expect the same moisture problem. I put only my big money, cards, and pass port in the pouch. Anything else, changes of clothing, etc, goes in my carryon. No bulge problem that way.

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9109 posts

"...I have had both brands and actually find the Rick Steves' brand the best..." I have a strong suspicion that Eagle Creek makes Rick's line of money belts .

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16044 posts

I've tried them all and for the last 20 years have been using an Eagle Creek Hidden Pocket. My first one lasted 15 years before I decided to buy a new one. (When I first got mine Rick Steves didn't offer them.) I have it hang down the side of my leg where I rarely notice it. I have used a neck pouch, like Michael, but only when I need to have my passport handy. I find wearing the neck pouch in warmer weather irritates the skin and become annoying. One small tip: put everything you plan to carry in the hidden pocket in a small ziploc type bag. It will help to keep moisture out. The two wallets (Eagle Creek and Rick Steves) are not the same. They are designed differently, use different material, weigh slightly different and are sized slightly different. Both are fine. It's more personal choice over anything else. Pacsafe now makes their own version of the hidden pocket. It has small strands of metal through the belt loops to keep them from being cut. I have one but haven't tried it yet.

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224 posts

Thanks for the input, Michael and the rest of you. I'll get the Hidden Pocket
and bring along the neck pouch , too.

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14777 posts

I have both the Hidden Pocket and the Neck Pouch and use one or the other on occasion...depending. They're good. No problems with them in summer travel. Both are Eagle Creek.

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2092 posts

Hmmm, well Michael, it could be the fact that the Eagle Creek we have is older than the RS but they definitely are not made the same. It could well be that Eagle Creek improved their product since we purchased ours.

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441 posts

I've used all three types; regular,neck and hidden pocket. I prefer the hidden pocket. Read Frank II's post. That's how I wear it.