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Driving in Ireland and Britain

In october i am visiting Ireland and Britain and for the first time in my life i'll be driving on the left.Any suggestions? Thanks

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32325 posts


You might want to have a look at which was posted in the "To The North" section. There are lots of good tips!

I'd suggest taking a few minutes to become familiar with the vehicle, and sitting on the "the other side" of the car. If you have any questions about the vehicle, ask the rental staff before you leave. It also advise paying the additional charges for the full CDW. Some of the roads are VERY narrow, and it's not hard to sustain minor scrapes.

Be sure to become familiar with the protocol for roundabouts and watch the speed limits!

Happy travels!

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5678 posts

I agree that right hand turns are the ones to watch. Also, it can be a bit disorienting because Europeans part willy nilly are their streets--cars don't have to be parked in the same direction as the traffic. Also, watch coming out of car parks as of course, you're not particular lane then and can lose track. I found that after a week I had to watch that I didn't get cocky. I really enjoyed driving in Scotland and England and I drove stick. Pam

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32325 posts


Be careful crossing the street also, as the traffic will be coming from the opposite direction to what you're used to. I've almost been hit on a couple of occasions when I wasn't paying attention.

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162 posts

If you can, try to get an automatic. My problems with driving: I was reaching for the door handle to change gears while driving in England. In Australia, I hired an automatic car. At least the pedals are the same as left hand drive (if I remember correctly). And looking the wrong direction for the rear view mirror. And not driving close enough to the left hand curb.

Watch out for the roundabouts.