If I am not renting a car and I have my passport, do I need to bring my US driver's license for anything at all?
Thanks everyone. You have answered my question. I will take it!
I think some people have used a driver's license to leave as security when renting an audio guide at a museum, but personally I have not. (I don't remember ever leaving an ID for an audio guide, but if I did, I would never leave my passport.) But I don't think you would "need" your DL if you have alternatives.
I would take your driver's license. It can be a useful form of ID if you lose your passport (of which you should carry a color copy anyway), and you just never know what you might need. Sometimes it feels more comfortable to me to pull out a driver's license for proof of age or even ID than to dig out my passport. And yes, you often need to leave a form of ID as collateral for an audio guide at castles and museums. Never leave your passport for that.
Patti, As others have mentioned, I've also found that my Driver's license is useful when renting AudioGuides, so I always bring it. I would never leave my Passport for something like that. The other reason I bring a D.L. is that on occasion, I've decided to rent a car for specific touring.
I take and use my DL to leave instead of passport for audioguides, you are required at the Louvre to leave something, and my DL costs me 25 dollars to replace and would not impact my trip if I lost it,, a passport being misplaced would. Ps I do recommend using the audio guide at Louvre ,, it makes things alot more interesting for those of us without art degrees.