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Downloading Photos

I'm looking at a NetBook with a 250G hard-drive. Can anyone give me a ballpark estimate of the number of pictures I could download?

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9109 posts

I have the settings on my camera to "best" quality, and the average file size for each picture is 1.5MB. I'm too tired to do the math right now, but it's safe to say a 250GB hard drive can holds thousands of photos:)

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850 posts

I shoot almost entirely in raw and can get 541 photos on an 8 GB card which if I calculate correctly would allow me to download over 16,000 and closer to 17,000 on a 250 GB HD providing nothing else was on the HD. Of course there are software programs and other personal things which would take up some of the space but you get the idea. If you shoot jpeg in high quality with a standard point and shoot you could take photos until your hearts content. So keep on snapping those photos.

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989 posts

Thanks to y'all for giving me those numbers - U'm sure that's more pictures that I could ever take in 16 days.

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345 posts

It's videos that eat up the space more quickly, but you'll be fine. 250 is plenty, along with room to put on some videos and music to keep you entertained!