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Downey Wrinkle Release in France

Has anyone found Downey Wrinkle Release or something similar in France? If so what stores?

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19 posts

We make our own. Take a 3 oz bottle, fill it with undiluted fabric softener and pack an empty spray bottle (you can find smaller ones at Target and Walgreens). When you get there, put a couple t-spoons worth of fabric softener in the spray bottle, add water and viola[INVALID]you have wrinkle reducer. Works great.

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780 posts

I did a similar thing, but used a 3 oz spray bottle and just about a half teaspoon of softener. Packed that in my suitcase and filled it with water when I was there. Works great. I sprayed it on and hung the outfit/whatever in the bathroom when I showered so the steam helped out as well. Just remember to always shake it before spraying.

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69 posts

Wow!! Those are great ideas!!! I LOVE Downey wrinkle reducer.................but this is far more economical!!! Thanks.

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416 posts

Easier yet, only take wrinkle-free clothing. :-)

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19 posts

Nancy, I wish. I guarantee you if the fabric is wrinkle resistant, I will find a way to make it wrinkle! It's a cruel trick of nature or something. I agree that the little 3 oz bottle is nice if you're only going to use the wrinkle reducer once but with two of us, making a large bottle when we reach our destination works best. That way we can both use it without having to make more. I found a very "chic" purple bottle at my garden store... ;o)

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6 posts

Another related tip. Get a Travelon blow up hanger and spray. Cleaner than a hotel/hostel one and serves to separate the front and back of the garment. Can also hang pants on it.

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416 posts

This thread brought back memories of my college roommate my freshman year. She used the campus laundry service and would have her jeans starched and ironed (it's a Rodeo Queen thing). When I am traveling, I really don't worry if I have a few wrinkles (or a lot) in my clothing except when I am going to dog shows and for those, I iron before I leave (if what I plan to wear even requires it) and keep the clothing hung up rather than packing it in a suitcase. I figure that in most of the places I travel to, the people who see me in slightly rumpled clothing are never going to see me again and unless my clothes are just really trashed, the wrinkles won't show in any photographs.