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DON'T trust! They still won't give me my money!! is refusing to give me back my money, while their customer service is non-existent. Their local phone number does not work, their international phone number keeps placing me on hold and then cuts the line (and I have already paid A LOT on phone calls), they don't respond to their chat messages, they don't reply to the email address they themselves told me to use. This is what happened, USERS BE WARE:

  1. I make a reservation at Sorrento, the owner cancels, promises in writing and on the phone to pay for the price difference of up to 440 euro if I go elsewhere

  2. I make another booking through them for the same night (Vinny's Relais at Vietri, sadly I couldn't find it here to write a review), but right before my stay I get messages that the SAME credit card I have been using can't be used and that the booking will be cancelled. I send them several messages on chat, they don't respond. The owner tells me it's a system problem, and that I should pay him directly. I call, they tell me they will still refund me the price difference back if I stay there and pay the owner, as long as I send them the invoice later.

  3. We stay at that HORRENDOUS place, pay a lot, pressure the owner to give us the invoice (he sent us a message to not contact him again or he'll sue us for harassment and that he has a photo of my ID card!!), send the INVOICE showing zero balance like asked me to, the receipt AND my bank statement to, requesting the price difference back.

  4. I send NUMEROUS messages to and their ONLY response is 'The owner says the booking has been cancelled and he won't send you the refund'. What owner?! It's BOOKING.COM that had told me they'd pay for the price difference!! They had reassured me of this!! And now they're doing this! I can't believe it, PLEASE don't trust them. If there is an update I will let you know, but so far it's been EXTREMELY disappointing. I have sent them a message on facebook, let's see if that will make a difference...

Please note that I had only made one reservation with them for my recent Italy trip and it's causing me all this trouble; for the rest I had used and Airbnb and they were EXCELLENT. Do NOT choose (and certainly do NOT choose Villy's Relais at Vietri, the owner even responds IN WRITING to comments that the breakfast was poor -which so was- with things like 'We expected that; we couldn't help but notice that you are a bit 'chubby')...

Posted by
8765 posts

How very disappointing and upsetting for you! I am quite surprised as I have used multiple times with only positive results. I hope you are able to get this situation resolved to your satisfaction soon.

Posted by
6 posts

Thank you; actually the reason I use was that I too used to think it was trustworthy, and I had been reading positive experiences on this website too. So, I thought I should make this post, as people may not have a realistic view of it (or it may have actually changed in recent years, who knows...)
Let's see if anything else happens, I will certainly update you

Posted by
959 posts

I stopped using that platform 5 years ago after 2 different bookings in Europe got screwed up, badly (the hotels had no record of the reservations). While it all turned out OK, it was unacceptable to me.

Fool me once, shame on know the rest of it...

Posted by
4713 posts

I hope you can address with your credit card company. It's a pain, but I have successfully contested charges related to travel issues.
I am sorry to hear of your bad experience, and surprised, as I am one of the boosters. I have used them for at least a decade with no issues whatsoever.

Posted by
6 posts

I am extremely surprised too, as I've been using them for years. I even have reservations with them for the next months, but thankfully they're all in my country (I live in Cyprus, a small island, so if i'm not happy with where I'll stay I'll just come home lol). Actually, one owner just cancelled, let's see how they'll handle it this time

Now that I think of it though, I had trouble with last month too: We stayed at a place in Mykonos, which had 10/10 reviews, with the exception of one review, which gave it 1/10, saying the worst things. When we stayed, we realized that it's the bad review that is right, and wondered how anyone could give it a good, perfect even, score. Then we noticed that all the others had reviewed it on two different dates (e.g. 5 people one the one date, 5 on the other), everyone commented on how wonderful the owner was, everyone stayed just for a night, and, trust me, there's no way anyone could breathe in that place. So, their reviewer verification system is flawed too...

Posted by
1857 posts

How much more was the place you stayed compared to the place you originally booked?

Posted by
6 posts

430 euro more expensive, as it was much closer to the date we'd be staying, so we were extremely reluctant to accept it. However, we had no option as we hard organized everything based on that trip, and also had reassured me REPEATEDLY, on the phone AND in writing that it would send me the price difference of up to 440 euro if we provided them with an invoice at an alternative accommodation showing zero balance. We did (I also sent them the receipt the owner gave me, plus my bank statement, plus they had the original confirmation since it was booked through them), and now they're going back on their word :(((

Posted by
3459 posts

I recently had my first issue with after using them many times for the last several years. I booked a stay at a hotel and it was not pay in advance. Yet, I got my CC statement and I had been charged the full amount for my one night stay. I started the process of making an inquiry about it, but when I realized how many hoops I needed to jump through with Booking, I gave up because well, we were going to stay there. It has given me some pause, but with fingers crossed, I will probably still use them. It’s so darn convenient.
At my zoom travel meeting last weekend one of the other folks also said this issue happened to them as well.

Posted by
7626 posts

I do hope your situation will be resolved!

I use a lot and plan to continue to use them. My trips entail many lodging reservations (14 for the last trip), and Booking is so easy to keep track of everything in one location. When my husband died unexpectedly at home while I was on this last trip and I was in shock, I really appreciated that I could immediately go into Booking and cancel the remaining refundable reservations all on one site with no issues.

A couple of things I noticed in your details to help others in the future:

If an owner cancels, then that reservation is cancelled. I would not accept an alternate promise from Booking or from the owner, if they have alternate properties. I did have one cancel on us when I was making plans in the Cotswolds in 2023. It was a small place and probably had a wedding party wanting the whole place.

I only correspond & pay through Booking. I also keep a screenshot of every piece of correspondence through their website messages. If someone cancels a reservation, you lose that history, otherwise.

I see further down in the comments that a place you stayed only had a few reviews. The minimum number of reviews for my threshold of even considering whether to reserve a specific lodging is 35 for small towns and 50 for larger. I have seen in one tiny town in Spain where there were reciprocal people leaving reviews of each other’s places by staying one night at each. (I check this type of thing since I like to stay in small towns.)

I did have one suspect email, supposedly from Booking this year, that said there was an issue with my credit card and my reservation would be cancelled immediately if I didn’t address it. Yes, it was a scam, and I contacted the property through their Booking messages to double-check. Soon afterwards, Booking also sent me an email that it wasn’t them sending that scam.

Posted by
7626 posts

”I booked a stay at a hotel and it was not pay in advance. Yet, I got my CC statement and I had been charged the full amount for my one night stay. I started the process of making an inquiry about it, but when I realized how many hoops I needed to jump through with Booking, I gave up because well, we were going to stay there.”

Tammy, I had a hotel in Paris - probably five years ago, that was going to charge me for my already paid room through Booking. I’m one of those old-school people who bring paper copies. : ). So, I showed them on my credit card charges that the room was already paid. “Suddenly” they acknowledged it was paid. So your situation may be that link of communication.

Posted by
4124 posts

I hope you can s issue cause we also use quite often. Sometimes small venues only book through them cause they aren’t large enough to sustain a website. We have a booking with them for September in Tomar, Portugal.
In June we had booked an airport pickup through in Rotterdam. The driver didn’t show how on time, was over an hour late - by now we had taken a taxi - and refunded us our money 2 days later.

Posted by
735 posts

I did have one suspect email, supposedly from Booking this year, that said there was an issue with my credit card and my reservation would be cancelled immediately if I didn’t address it. Yes, it was a scam, and I contacted the property through their Booking messages to double-check. Soon afterwards, Booking also sent me an email that it wasn’t them sending that scam.

I had one of these emails this morning. Shortly after the hotel responded with a message to ignore the message, and that they would never ask for credit card info in an email. The reservation was already paid for, so I knew it was a scam, but it concerning that can't get this on-going problem under control.

Posted by
541 posts

Experienced traveler here, but newbie.
I used them for my upcoming trip to make one reservation. The process seemed to be "OK" but several recent events have me wondering if using them was a mistake.
I needed to update the bookings account to include the mobile number that I will have active while I travel.
No problem there. I made the change. They verified the number.
What has happened since is a bit worrisome. I have had two verification notices (a 10 minute pass code) sent to me that I did not request. Why? What triggered these? The email says that if you did not request them, ignore them. Yeah, but WTH?
I'm not sure I will use them again after this. I'm not trusting the process.

Posted by
7626 posts

”I needed to update the bookings account to include the mobile number that I will have active while I travel.”

Mack, I have used Booking a lot and never needed or was asked to do this. That might be the issue, if it didn’t come from them.

Posted by
541 posts

Thanks Jean. They did not request that. It's just me in travel planning mode. Anywhere that I left my US number (that will not work in Europe) I have gone back to update my accounts with the travel number.
I've been in so many situations where a service or site needs a verification before allowing you to log. An inactive contact number can throw you into a do loop death spiral. There was the time in Taipei (another in Vienna) when I had about $2.00 and was unable to access my band accounts or cards..... and I was hungry.
Anyway, I did update it on their. That update did result in a verification number being sent to me, as expected. It's the other two that have me puzzled and a bit concerned. Hopefully all is well?

Posted by
6 posts

Update: They said they had the invoices, that they would give me my money back, they put it on my wallet AND THEN THEY CANCEL IT AND THEY TAKE IT BACK!!! Isn't this stealing? I call them (like 30 times) and each time they keep telling me they're investigating it!! There's NOTHING to investigate! I'm really frustrated :(

Does anyone know where I can write this up as a story? E.g. send it to yahoo or something? Other travelers should be warned... I wish I'd never trusted :(