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Does the diet go out the window on vacation?

When I go on vacation, I tend to splurge and eat more than I do at home? I tend to gain 5-7 pounds even with all the walking. I want to try all the different foods, and can never pass up a gelato. Just curious if anyone else gains weight on vacation. Do you splurge on things you would not normally eat at home?

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990 posts

I don't think I eat more on vacation, but I eat differently. I definitely eat more dessert-type items, more bread type foods, and drink more wine and beer than I would if I were eating at home. I know I also get a lot more exercise walking around all day in comparison to my sedentary job. I used to be able to say that it all balanced out, but the older I get, the more the balance tips in favor of weight gain. Slowing metabolisms...sigh.

To me, indulging in the special food and drink while traveling is important enough to be worth it, though. I try to be sure I'm at (or at least near!) my "fighting weight" before I go abroad, and count on extra diet and exercise when I get back.

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780 posts

For me, Yes. In the UK I couldnt imagine NOT eating Pasties, Scotch Eggs, Thorntons Chocolates, Meat pies, Kiplings pies, and gourmet sandwiches from Marks & Spencers. I walk from 8 am to 10 pm usually on vacation in Europe so why not splurge? I dont tend to gain weight on vacation.

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2193 posts

No. If one is concerned about healthful nutrition and routine exercise as a matter of good living when at home, chances are they’ll take care when travelling as well. If, however, one diets and normally has trouble making healthy choices with food, I can certainly see where weight gain during vacation could be problematic. At any rate, you can sample the pleasures and unique cuisines of Europe without overindulging. And, you can enjoy a gelato once in awhile. Food is a big part of the experience. Moderate, order small portions or share, and keep on walking.

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12040 posts

One way to minimize weight gain. Although portion sizes are often smaller in Europe than in a typical American restaurant, they can still be significant. Before you order your food, look at what other people are eating. If the portions appear too large, consider sharing a meal. The restaurant might not necessarily be too happy, but hey, it's your health.

Posted by
264 posts

The diet is supposed to go out the window on vacation! Else, they wouldn't call it vacation!
I'm lucky, I continually stuff but lose pounds due to all the walking! Bon Voyage et Bon appétit!

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421 posts

yes but at the same time I never gain weight when I am there because I am so active all the time.

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1455 posts

I agree with Michael. Its about your lifestyle when you're at home. Just because you're on vacation does not give you carte blanche to pig out til you're bursting at the seams.

While on vacation, my husband and i either maintain our weight, or last year in Paris we actually LOST weight. We walked everywhere, and climbed those stairs. we were never sedentary.

We do eat well when we travel. We'll share an appetizer, eat a good, well prepared entree, and share a dessert. We also try to eat every 3 hours to keep our metabolism up.

So in my book the diet does NOT go out the window. A diet, IMHO, is a diet. To eat well everyday is a lifestyle

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23282 posts

We have never had a weight gain problem and often lose weight. First -- our physical activity is way up because of miles of walking. Second -- our eating patterns change. We always have a good breakfast but very light or no lunches in favor of a couple light snacks of fruit, cheese, bread during the day, followed by a reasonable evening meal. Since we are not home we don't have access to ice creams, cookies, canned soda, candy, etc. Now if we could just avoid that stuff when we are home.

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2715 posts

When I am on vacation, I consume more calories than when I am home. But I don't eat excessively, I don't eat junk, and only rarely do I eat desserts. I just prefer to eat healthy foods. I do so much walking that I generally don't gain any weight.

Posted by
416 posts

What Bill and bluedenim said. I lost 20 pounds in Italy last year without worrying too much about what I ate. However I find I also don't do the "I'm bored snacking" that I do at home AND I really try to savor the food I eat on vacation. Not just for the enjoyment at the time, but because I love to try to re-create dishes after I get home (I make a mean Baeckeoffe).

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30 posts

I eat very healthy at home, but for me, vacation is a time for desserts, trying the local candies, and just eating what I want. Yes, I splurge more than at home. Usually all the extra walking makes me stay the same or actually lose a pound or two. But I just got back from Germany, where the foods were high fat, high calorie, and the portions were every bit as big as American portions. I gained 3 pounds despite all the walking (oh, no!)

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213 posts

Much to my own amazement, I've never gained weight overseas. Like so many who replied here, I do lots and lots of walking. On my last trip to Germany I drank plenty of Muenchen Bier and still didn't gain. My wife and I eat a satisfying, if simple, breakfast; we buy fruit, cheese, and bread at the market for lunch and eat a simple dinner. I do tend to fall off my low-fat, low-cholesterol regular diet because I eat meats and cheeses and some pastries that I don't regularly eat, but that doesn't seem to affect me. It's when I get home and think I can get away with eating the same that I gain weight. It's the fourth major food group that gets me--chocolate--when I continue eating it like I do in Europe.

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485 posts

I am always amazed that I haven't gained 15 lbs when I return from a European trip. We really do love to eat and shop. German breakfasts are awesome (what with the broetchen, cheeses, eggs, wurst, and lots of butter....). We try to eat a heavy breakfast, skip lunch, and then find a Konditorei or cafe around 3:00-ish for a piece of cake and coffee. This is EVERY SINGLE DAY of our trip. We know we're not going to find this cuisine when we return home so we enjoy it while we can.

Walking everywhere is what keeps us from gaining the lbs. So yes, splurge. It's Europe.

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590 posts

I usually gain around 5 lbs despite walking everywhere and climbing up every belltower possible!But it's 5 EUROPEAN lbs and it's a little forgivable!

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1357 posts

I've never gained weight on vacations in Europe despite almost daily consumption of ice cream, chocolate, and beer. I try to fit in healthy stuff between those and walk a lot.

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12172 posts

I'm a low-carb dieter so I never worry about calories or fat. I still avoid rice, potatoes and bread - but not to the same extent as normal and eat more of the lower carb green vegetables. I keep sugar to a minimum; I'll have one bite of dessert for a taste and don't add sugar to anything.

I drink good local beers and eat a little chocolate on vacation without worrying about the carbs. Those two splurges are offset by walking.

I usually come home about the same weight as when I left.

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445 posts

Brad...the bread in Europe is the best!!!!
Even better than gelato! I eat lots of bread in's even better than a lot of sights!

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283 posts

I think because I walk so much, I never have weight gain on trips--no matter what I eat.

However, I will add that I am diabetic. Here in the states, my husband is convinced that restaurants sprinkle what he refers to as "carb powder" on all food, making it harder for me to judge insulin intake. I never have this problem in French restaurants, or even with grocery store food. I think the food is just purer and better for you. The variety is better, the portions are smaller, and I just eat better.

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356 posts

I do put on a little weight on holiday, but I think I also come back fitter thanks to all the traipsing about.

I think it's inevitable as my diet is so different when I am at home. I don't eat dessert at home, eat quite simple meals and I rarely drink when I go out because I am usually driving. I also take a packed lunch to work with me etc. When I am holiday I want to taste the local desserts, local wines and experience the cuisine so I do eat a slightly richer diet than I eat at home.

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15068 posts

In Europe, my philosophy is:

Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall diet

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35 posts

I like your philosophy best, Frank II. I think I will live by that from now on.

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273 posts

Ate everything in sight in Paris, Pain du Chocolat every day, croque monsieur, Berthillion ice cream and didn't gain because of all the walking.

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7569 posts

First, I think that that food in travel is as important as art and history. I extend that to wine and beer, and the occasional liquor. I can no more imagine ordering a light salad at a restaurant in Rome than skipping the Eiffel tower in Paris. That said, maybe I have been lucky, but I too find that despite my efforts at gluttony, I always lose weight traveling.
Keep in mind that "diet" does not only mean what goes in your mouth, but consumption in accordance with exertion. In that respect, many above keep within a diet, just not the one they planned on.

Posted by
671 posts

I eat what I want, but I also find I do less boredom snacking. Between tha and walking sooo much, it keeps me even or less than when I left. Also, I think the quality of ingredients over there are generally better than ours, so that helps.

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11507 posts

Years ago I lost a fair amount of weight,, was so proud of myself. I maintained diet in France.. what a complete IDIOT... I actually lost more weight,, and missed out on cheesem, NEVER AGAIN.

I eat what I want,, and I walk, walk, walk. I do not gain weight.

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934 posts

My wife and I both agree that the reason we dont gain and even lose weight is because(1)we walk about 4-10 miles a day and (2)when we get back to our room we are tired and retire early and there is nothing to eat available unlike at home where the kitchen is a short walk away.

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42 posts

I lost weight and my mother gained it. We did the same amount of walking. I blame her weight gain on the gelato, she had one of every possible flavor out there.

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18 posts

I loose weight on vacations, and I eat what I want. I wish I had the same luck here! Just enjoy yourself!

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262 posts

Oh my, it isn't a vacation if I am not trying new foods and enjoying favorites of the places that I like to visit. Healthy eating at home is great but when I am on vacation I eat whatever I want. Food is part of the culture. I dream of all the wonderful pasteries, breads and cheeses that I so enjoy in Paris and the scumptious pastas and gelato of Italy!
As so many have said here, walking keeps most of those extra pounds off. I could not disagree more with those who follow their healthy eating done at home. What is vacation without often eating foods that are not so great for you? To each his own.

Happy Travels!

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582 posts

I agree with you Debi. When I'm in Paris in October, I'm not going to worry about diet at all. I'm not even going to worry about how much meals cost! (even though I should) I'm spending half my trip in Paris and the other half in London. What I'm going to do is to be a real foodie in Paris, but because the food isn't all that special in London, I'll eat less there. Less calories and less money! Good plan huh?