Outside of very rarely Googling a non-English word, I don't, never have. It always feels like more hassle than it's worth, have gotten along just fine to swimmingly without mediating yet another experience through my phone.
Maybe I just haven't figured out how to bring a translator into the flow of things without looking and feeling like a "glasshole" (remember them?) of some sort. I've watched people reading menus through their cameras, moving the camera closer and farther from menu, holding menu up at odd angle to get better contrast, etc. Meanwhile a charming restaurant waits patiently to be noticed.
And truth be told, I worry that if I can turn everything I see into English, I'll lose the wonder of "struggling" with language. There's something to figuring out menu or the signs in a train station that goes beyond just knowing that x means y.
But really I'm not opposed to tech to help with language. I'm curious about which translation apps people use, and why, and how, and when. Also curious about if and when and why you don't use them.
Please share your experience!