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Do You Read All Prior Responses?

Do you read all the prior responses to a post or just dive right in with your perspective?

Posted by
1104 posts

Yes, I do, to avoid repeating what others may have said, and to avoid asking questions of the OP that someone else may have done and which had been answered. If I find I can add something new, or perhaps reinforce what I feel is important, or further clarify something, then I comment.

Posted by
652 posts

Yes if I am considering responding, otherwise I scan some if there are already many replies.

Posted by
5315 posts

Yes, I read them, for the reasons Judy gave.

See what I did there?

Posted by
15980 posts

So many people don't and it's obviious at times.....especially when an OP returns to add an update to the original post.

Posted by
9130 posts

Always. It is annoying when people don't bother to do this. They do this on TA though too.

Posted by
7881 posts

I will be different, No, I do not always. I do glance at each, but immediately skip all of the off-topic, inane responses that seem to pop up, as well as the side conversations that tend to start.

I also though look at the number of responses, if there are already a half dozen good responses, I pass.

Posted by
2454 posts

I do read them first. I wish we could see all the responses though when we are replying. Sometimes you want to comment on various things and you can't go back and read.

Posted by
2263 posts

Yes, to make sure I haven’t already responded up-thread and forgotten, especially with longer ones.

Posted by
7496 posts

I wish we could see all the responses though when we are replying. Sometimes you want to comment on various things and you can't go back and read.

mikliz97, I agree. I usually open up a new tab with the original post and all responses, so that I can glance at it while framing my reply. I also use block quotes a lot (even for multiple people) so that I can see that as I'm replying.

In answer to jkh's question, almost always yes.

Posted by
5143 posts

*I wish we could see all the responses though when we are replying."

I'll sometimes write my reply in a separate tab so that I can review other responses as I write. On occasion, by refreshing the original post, I may even see a new response that might affect my own.

Detail: on a Windows PC, right click on the Add Reply button and choose one of the "Open in New Tab" options.

Posted by
5143 posts

Hah, Mardee, it didn't work for me this time as our replies have the exact same timestamp!!

Posted by
8814 posts

Yes, to make sure I haven’t already responded up-thread and forgotten, especially with longer ones.

Don't you hate when you find out you disagree with your previous post?

I read all prior but that doesnt mean I don't miss some things, especially when the thread has been around a while.

Posted by
7633 posts

If there’s a short number of responses, I will read through them, first, to see if my thoughts have already been mentioned by someone else. But, if it’s become a long post when I first see it, I will scan the first few, search for any OP’s updates/clarifications and add a response if it’s a question about itinerary ideas. If it’s a travel-related soft topic that could go several directions, I either skip it entirely or read all the replies planning to not reply unless the most recent responses are on point to respond.

Posted by
551 posts

Thanks for responding and for reading each others posts.

@CJean: Yes, I read them, for the reasons Judy gave.

See what I did there?

BTW, no need to respond to the original post any longer. I'm now wonder how many of us do as CJean does and respond with an I agree?

Posted by
2454 posts

Mardee--I do that too, or have my phone nearby so I can read on that and then reply.

Posted by
12313 posts

Most of the time, no. I respond first, read other responses, then edit my response if needed.

Sometimes, I read responses first, then don't respond because someone else said (as expected) what I would have said.

Posted by
325 posts

I agree ditto what CJean said about what Judy said.