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Do you need to update your profile?

Some of us here like to keep our profiles updated with current/future planned trips and past trips. For some, it might be time to update. I’m looking at you TTM! (Wink emoji). If you don’t bother with a profile, no need to respond.

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19227 posts

And, whether you put your life story in your profile or not, at least show your location. Knowing your location sometimes helps us understand your question - like how long does it take to get to Europe (from Boston or San Fran) or what clothes to take for a winter month in Europe (Minnesotans understand cold, Floridians don't)?

Posted by
4562 posts

Hahaha! I will look. I hate to add too much “future” travel in case plans change.

For you only, though, my long trip next year isn’t completely solo. Hopefully I start out with my brother (that could change) before solo time on the South Island and Tasmania. Then my Dubai time is just a visit with my daughter. Vietnam is on my own, then Japan I will be visiting friends, time on my own, and have a couple of friends flying over to join me at the end. I saved all my miles for a while so all the long flights are bought with miles.

Edit: I don’t think Lee meant anything other than a minimum of location is really helpful. Anything else is bonus!

Posted by
14513 posts

I love reading profiles, lol!! I think TTM needs to start producing a glossy brochure for her past trips, lol!!

Posted by
4414 posts

I'll update mine in 3 weeks from 'upcoming retirement' to 'newly retired'. Other than that I'm comfortable with what I've written about myself, but I wonder if it's useful to anyone else. I'm an open book, let me know if there is something about me that posters feel would be important to know about me.

Posted by
7633 posts

Allan, it will be interesting to see how your travel choices change (if they do) as you transition to the first five retirement years.

I updated my potential trips’ list for 2025 on my profile. I already have reservations and a flight for one of them!

Posted by
3466 posts

Allan, congrats on your upcoming retirement!
Jean, I'm so glad you are planning another trip!
Pam, yes, she does need a brochure!

Posted by
4414 posts

Jean, one noticeable attitude change I've already noticed in myself is the peacefulness of knowing I will have time on my hands. Vacation planning has always been wrapped around two weeks at a time, but next May I'm already coming up with ideas to add a couple of extra days here and a couple of days there. The original plan was a river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel and then a few days in Colmar, but now I'm thinking of adding days in Basel and a couple of day trips from there, and then after Colmar we'll head home from either Paris or Amsterdam, but maybe on the way to either we should stop here and here and here...

Posted by
7633 posts

Allan, I love hearing the relaxation of “the clock” in your words, planning your trip after retiring! It really makes such a difference. My husband & I were fogged in at our airport in February which dropped all of our flights like dominoes to reach Spain. But, I had added a couple of days upfront in Malaga since we’re retired, so it wasn’t stressful to have a longer route to eventually arrive there. If that had happened while we were still working, I would have heard the “tick-tock”of precious vacation minutes ebbing away.

Looking forward to your next trip report!

Posted by
1071 posts

Timely topic - just two days ago I wiped my ancient profile story and have left it blank while I’m considering what to share. I wish I could list some exciting trip plans, but I’ll be staying closer to home for a while as my husband’s illness progresses. Meanwhile all of your trip reports keep me entertained. Keep on travelin’!

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14513 posts

@ Tammy and TTM, when I was doing 24/7 care for my parents I would sit out on their back deck at night flipping thru Rick's tour catalog looking at pictures, reading itineraries, thinking about where I wanted to go when my responsibilities lessened. It helped get me thru an exhausting time. That's what I was thinking about when I was catching up on TTM's planned trips! Such fun to anticipate wonderful trips for friends.

@Allen - Congrats from me as well. I hope you enjoy retirement as much as I have!

@VeteranTraveler - Ouch.

I enjoy seeing where everyone is going. It sometimes gives me idea on what I want to do next! I'm enjoying the thread and the updates!

Posted by
2669 posts

I don’t read a lot of profiles but do find them helpful when I’m trying to get background information to answer a question.

I’m going to have a look at mine - it’s been a few years!

@Nelly - I sent you a PM.

Posted by
9130 posts

Unfortunately, there is a limit on those profiles. Every time I come back from a Camino, I add in the cities and towns I visited. My profile is full now and I can't add any more. Need to condense it somehow.