My daughter sent me this link, because...well, it helps me to laugh at myself perhaps. I thought it was hysterical. It makes me think of so many discussions we have: wheels/no wheels, money belt/no money belt, Europe/elsewhere, tours/independent...much of it based on our egos on certain days. For a few, it is always about the ego.
Anyway, I thought this was very funny. When do we cross the line and end up acting like one of these women (men included) rather than just trying to be helpful? Should we have this as a fall back when we each get a little "my way is better"? Does this make you think of following the webmaster's rules a bit more?
I hope you enjoy this video. I'm still laughing!
PS. I am sorry for the 4 second commercial...didn't know how to get rid of that. So be patient for the video...