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Do we have to strictly follow the airline baggage limits?

Hi . We are taking a low cost Vueling flight between Amsterdam and Rome. The company website says it only allows a bag with dimensions 55X50X45 cm and weight not more than 10 kgs . For anything else, we need to pay baggage charges. Is this true? I will be carrying a only bag pack that would weight less than 10 kg but would certainly be much more larger than the specified dimensions. Would I need to pay extra charges for my back pack?


P.S. I am a first time traveler to Europe

Posted by
9331 posts

Why would it not be true? They don't make their rules and regulations just for their amusement.
Yes, stick to the baggage sizes. Follow their rules and you will save yourself money and time. If your bag is too big, you should find a smaller bag.

Posted by
11891 posts

They are very restrictive on carry on size, at least from my experience on Easy Jet. Is your backpack flexible enough that it will stuff into the sizing boxes they have at the airports to check the dimensions? If it will fit in one of those boxes, it will be allowed.

Posted by
2703 posts

Yes it is true, why would you think otherwise? stick to the sizes that they state or check your back.

Posted by
48 posts

Actually two of the fellow travelers who had traveled to Europe (not the same countries though) were of the opinion that as long as you can carry the bag on your shoulders, the airlines will allow it, even if it doesn't follow the dimension rule. So I was looking for confirmation of their opinion. But since you guys have experienced otherwise, I will take care.

Posted by
6113 posts

You can still take this bag, but it will need to be checked in, not taken as hand luggage. No frills airlines are more likely to check luggage size, but bags of dubious size are regularly put into the size bins to be checked. It costs far more to check in a bag at the airport than to book the same thing in advance online.

Posted by
2703 posts

well travelling from Prague airport the other week, one young lady had her large backpack taken from her and was made to check it at some cost.

Posted by
4535 posts

Yes it is true, why would you think otherwise?

Because US airlines rarely enforce carry-on limits. That is why many people may not realize that European discount airlines strictly enforce the limits and rules.

The OP asked a valid question, I don't see the need for several responses to be so snarky.

Posted by
2810 posts

And even on American carriers it can be "true"

Here's the deal. It honestly does NOT matter what ANYONE on here tells you. The company website has the "rules to play by" Because even if I got away with it today, that does not mean Agent X for Airline Y tomorrow won't look at you and say "that's too big". A defense of "I read it on Rick Steves Travel Forum" has never actually impressed anyone.

So sure some posters will tell you "I just put it on my back and it was fine" but that is NOT any type of guarantee that the same 'exception' will be allowed.

For example, if the flight is empty they often look the other way when someone shows up with 4 small carryons. When it's oversold, they don't! You just don't know what's going to happen on the day you fly

Posted by
1255 posts

My husband had to check his RS backpack, not because of the size, but because he stuffed it and was overweight. It didn't matter that he could carry it on his back.

Posted by
6873 posts

It's like rules anywhere: sometime you might be able to sneak by and skirt the rules a bit. But not a good idea to reply on that, especially if there are significant negative consequences if you are caught.

Basically, you need to ask yourself: do you feel lucky?

Posted by
28806 posts

I think a big issue is that for many (most? all?) of the budget European carriers, the cost of checking a bag at the airport is much, much higher than what you pay to arrange that ahead of time. For me, that would tilt the balance toward assuming I will have to check any bag that's overweight/oversized and paying the smaller amount in advance.

Posted by
15237 posts

Ever since I started using a roller suitcase and rearranged what is packed in the carry on sack, no liquids, etc., I have never been asked to have it weighed or measured so that it conforms to the measurements of the airline. They just ask how pieces to be checked roller, how many carry on? One, this sack., ca 19 inches. That's it. Most likely they can tell by eyeballing it. I wouldn't put that past them.

Posted by
32417 posts


While the airlines have clearly stated baggage allowances, I've found that they don't always enforce those too closely. There are a variety of factors that may affect the situation and staff members don't always enforce the rules to the limits, especially if it's busy. If a piece of luggage has the appearance of being "about" the right size, they won't always ask for it to be placed in the sizer.

You could take a chance that it might slip through the checks, but as you stated that your bag "would certainly be much more larger than the specified dimensions", it's likely that you would be asked to gate check it (at considerable cost). You could check the pack (there will be a cost for that, but not as much as gate checking) and buy a smaller item of the approved dimensions to use for carry-on.

Posted by
1177 posts

And to add to this discussion, when it's stated that you can have 1 carry on, they mean it! One time while lining up to get on and Easyjet flight, I was carrying on a tote bag and had my small purse on my shoulder as well. The gate agent actually was walking down the line inspecting everyone's carry on and indicated to me that I had to put my small purse into my tote bag. It's so silly but rules are rules!

Posted by
23727 posts

Do you have to strictly follow the guidelines???? No, of course not. But you have to be prepared to gate check or pay a last minute checking fee if the gate personal decide that your bag is too large. Many of the low cost airlines generate a significant portion of their revenue from extra fees so they go have an incentive to enforce their guidelines. The last time we were on easyJet every bag went into the sizing box.

Posted by
4098 posts

"Budget" airlines keep their prices low by enforcing their rules, such as a charge for checked bags. It's in their best interest to enforce their rules. easyJet is particularly strict and I've been on several flights where passengers who thought they could wiggle by their limits were doing panic repacking on the boarding gate floor. Vueling is maybe not quite as stiff (nor as successful). But the valid point is: Obey the rules; reap the benefits of low prices.

Posted by
48 posts

Thanks guys.. I am either reducing the size of my bag or checking it in advance online :) Thanks for your responses and experience sharing !

Posted by
12315 posts

So, yes, it depends on the carrier. US carriers often ignore their own limits and let people carry way too much onto the plane. If you are boarding late they then want you to gate check your bag - even though it's within limits. This infuriates me much more than having stated limits and enforcing them.

European carriers follow their own rules. The 10 kg (22 lbs) rule is becoming the norm in Europe, either pack light or plan to check your bags. Many carriers reduce it to 8 kgs (a little under 18 lbs). If you want to be truly flexible, it's not a bad idea to stay inside of this limit. I don't like to use up the weight allowance with my bag so I now carry a Campmoor Essential Carry-on. It's the same size as the RS bag but cheaper and lighter (and plenty well made):

Along this line, it's not uncommon for European carriers to also enforce the one bag rule as a true one bag rule rather than one bag plus a personal item. I wouldn't plan to have my carry on plus a sizable "personal" item. You might get away with a very small purse but I wouldn't even count on that. Be prepared to stow your purse in your carry-on (still under the size and weight limit) or to be told to check one of the items.

Posted by
3522 posts

My experience at EWR is that as long as the bag fits through the X-ray scanner the TSA couldn't care less (at least from what I see others squeezing through the X-ray!). Now United has become a stickler the past few times I went through they have been actively measuring carry ons with their gate side sizer.

Posted by
9161 posts

Since when does TSA enforce airlines' baggage limitations? Not their responsibility.

Posted by
34584 posts

however, the TSA is the absolute stickler for carry-on bag size.

How does that work?

Posted by
4535 posts

Since when does TSA enforce airlines' baggage limitations? Not their responsibility.

They don't. First, each airline sets its own policy on carry-on limits. The TSA can't enforce every airline's limits. Second, they have their hands full just trying to process items for security purposes.

That said, I don't doubt that a TSA agent that sees a full sized bag or over-sized item would tell a passenger that they have to go back and check the item. But they won't care about number of smaller items or specific weights and sizes of carry-ons.

Posted by
7196 posts

I agree with last few comments on TSA not being in charge of airline's baggage rules. And so what, the OP is talking about flying a budget airline in Europe - no TSA, it's the airlines you have to deal with about that.

Posted by
23727 posts

No, the TSA doesn't check for luggage size but just about everyone knows that except for some inexperienced travelers. But as I have posted many times, post what you know from experience and not what you think know from quoting internet sites.

Posted by
5333 posts

Four or five years ago at the Ft. Lauderdale airport there was a sizing box set up just before the security conveyer belts. A TSA individual (in uniform and with a bad attitude) was making many people use it to be sure their bags were "legal". We've flown from there many times since and never again encountered the situation. So while it's not really their job, don't be surprised if it happens.

Posted by
7175 posts

I think this question should read...

"Do I need to wear clothes when I go out in public?"

The answer is..."Well if you don't, there will be consequences".

Posted by
9161 posts

Since when does TSA enforce airlines' baggage limitations? Not their responsibility.

My comment was meant to be ironic. Or sarcastic. Or snarky. Whatever is preferred.

Posted by
19348 posts

A few years ago I flew from Düsseldorf to Chicago. At the gate in Düsseldorf I saw many people with green tags on their carry-on bags. I assumed that their bags had been "sized" at check-in and passed. I hadn't been checked because I was coming from another flight. The man sitting behind me had not been checked, and he had a huge "carry-on". It was so huge he could only put it in the overhead compartment sideways, and even then he had to force the door closed. When we got to Chicago he couldn't get the door open - it was jammed. I don't know what ever happened. When I left he was still waiting for some mechanics to come with tools to take the airplane apart to get his bag out.

Last time I flew United, the kept announcing at the gate for people to test their bags in the sizing bin. Some people did, a lot didn't, and I saw some pretty obviously over-sized bags go on the plane. I think they are getting people used to the requirement so that when they start enforcing it no one can say, "I didn't know."

Posted by
5837 posts

RE: US carriers often ignore their own limits and let people carry way too much onto the plane. If you are boarding late they then want you to gate check your bag - even though it's within limits.

If EVERY passenger boarded with legal maximum carry-on baggage, narrow body equipment (e.g. A320 or 737) with 3+3 economy seating will NOT be able to accommodate everyone's carry-on in the overhead. If the economy section seat pitch is 31 or 32 inches, and everyone's carry-on is 14-inches wide, with three abreast seating, you cannot get three 14-inch wide bags into 32 inches of overhead.

On then there is the passenger with the stuffed roller bag that has to put their bag in length-wise taking up 22-inches of overhead.

And of course, econo carriers like Vueling have even tigher seat pitches at 30". Vueling A320:

PS RE: The company website says it only allows a bag with dimensions 55X50X45 cm and weight not more than 10 kgs .
Both Seatgaru and Vueling websites say that the maximum size of carry-on is no larger than 55x40x20 cm. Maximum with of 40 cm s less than 16-inches. That would mean in a full 3+3 configuration, the overheads would only fit 2 of 3 passenger's carry-on.

Posted by
23727 posts

Don't take it wrong. Just call it a poor attempt at humor. TC, I did encounter something similar at about the same time frame just outside the TSA security check point for the United concourse in Chicago. But it was clearly a uniform United agent who was checking luggage with a sizing box and then directing the oversize pieces back to the check in counter. But it was clearly not a TSA officer. It was causing some problems with back up prior to the TSA line. Never saw it again so assume it may have been an experiment.

Given all the TSA problems and personnel issues I doubt if you ever see TSA checking bag size. For awhile at Heathrow the security was absolutely limiting carry on to one bag but that was primarily to speed the screening process.

Posted by
1825 posts

I seem to recall at some airports that the bag had to fit through an opening of the maximum sized carry on....or maybe I just read it online ;)
The airlines are actually doing us a favor. If your carry on is too large or over the weight limit you are bringing too much stuff with you.

Posted by
48 posts

Sure, thanks guys. I have been reconsidering the stuff to pack :) and I am definotwly taveling lighter. Andwell with in the limits.

Posted by
21418 posts

You never know what to expect. Virgin Atlantic once nailed us on the weight of our carry on. The insisted on weighing it before they would give our boarding passes. I was a few pounds heavy and my wife a few pounds light but they wouldn't accept the average. We had to physically move the stuff between the two till the weights were within the limits.

Posted by
12315 posts

That's something I've noticed as well. When U.S. carriers check your bag, they make you fit it inside the confines of a metal "box", they don't care about the weight, only the dimensions. European carriers, particularly SAS, Lufthansa and the budget carriers, do care about the weight. They walk the gate area with both a scale and tape measure device. They'll make you check it (including fees) if you fail on either measure.

That said, I've never seen them measure every bag (maybe Ryan does?). They seem to have an eye for the bags that are obviously oversize or overweight. They look at my measly carry on and don't even give me the satisfaction of weighing it. :-)

Posted by
23727 posts

easyJet will check every bag. Been through it twice with them.