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Dishonest airport screeners.....

It seems that not even airport security screeners are always honest and above reproach, even after stringent security and background checks. Charges have now been laid against a CATSA screener working at YVR after he was involved in 26 separate thefts from passenger luggage between February and March. That's been reduced to eight counts of theft.

Here's a link to the story -

I'll be watching my gear especially carefully next time I go through an airport security check!!!

Posted by
2787 posts

Thanks for the "heads-up" (again!). I am fortunate to always travel with my wife so that she goes thru the screener first while I keep an eye on her stuff and then once she is thru to the other side and has collected her stuff, I put my stuff thru so that she can keep an eye on my stuff.

Posted by
4684 posts

There was a time a few years ago when Heathrow was named "Thiefrow", although I believe the pickings were better from freight shipments than passenger luggage.

Posted by
4183 posts

Ah, yes. Many, many, many years ago, long before 9/11, my husband and I flew Seattle-->Vancouver-->Montreal. We had to go through customs and they took our bags and put them in an area where we were supposed to pick them up after. My husband's bag was a black duffle, but clearly marked with a luggage tag. When we got to the other side, mine was there, but his was not.

We flew on to Montreal and constantly checked on our claim, but no one seemed to care. Of course, the more I had insisted that he put his meds in his shoulder bag, the more he resisted, so he didn't have his BP meds. And all he had in his shoulder bag was underwear, socks and a book to read.

I convinced a pharmacist in Montreal to give him enough of his meds (we knew the medication and dosage) to last until we got home. We had a fun time going to the Gap and buying all new clothes for him. After 10 days and purchasing another bag to take his new stuff home in, we flew back home.

His black duffle finally showed up a solid two weeks after we got home and was delivered to our door. Get this. It had gone to China, in someone's hand who was probably shocked when they finally looked at what they had picked up when they got to their destination. The good news is that nothing was stolen. Even his meds were still in the bag.

So when we bought our RS convertible carry-ons, he got an orange one. No more black bags for either of us, even though we never check bags unless we are absolutely forced to do so. And he learned his lesson about where to carry his meds in case we do have to check them.

I trust that after all these years, that serve-yourself bag pickup option with no one official checking anything has changed. Whenever anyone suggests flying through YVR from Seattle to anywhere else, I think about what happened that time, and it makes me reticent to even consider it.

Posted by
10836 posts

It's sad to see thousands of people working in this profession lumped together as suspicious due to the dishonesty of one person. For that matter, this sentence could be switched to contain many different professions. For example: it seems that not even bankers are always honest and above reproach, or teachers, or doctors, or....

Posted by
4535 posts

You are much more likely to suffer a loss through forgetting something in the confusion of a security check than it being stolen.

Emma is right on with her post, especially this. It is NOT something to worry about.

Posted by
32417 posts

I agree that this is not something to overly worry about, as the majority of luggage screeners are honest. It's still good to be aware that it happens. Global News indicated in their story today that there have only been four incidents of theft by screeners in 12 years, so the rate is VERY low.

They also indicated that the screeners are not employed by the federal government or CATSA, but that function is contracted out to a British security firm called G4S (they operate worldwide in a variety of functions, and have the contract for all airports in the Pacific region apparently).

Posted by
2787 posts

There are lots of things I do not worry about in this world but it sure helps to be reminded of some things to remember. Thanks Ken for the reminder.

Posted by
4535 posts

The naysayers here have never had it happen to them, that's why they are saying "This hardly ever happens."

No, actually that is not why some of us are saying not to worry. It is because it is SOOOO rare (Ken posted a fact on just how rare in his follow-up) and the chance of you leaving something behind by mistake is FAAAR greater than a screener stealing it. And no one argued it NEVER happens, obviously it does since Ken posted an article about it... But I can name a lot of things that "happen" that I don't worry about.

I would guess that most people do keep an eye on their belongings as they pass through security. I do myself, mostly so I don't forget anything. It's just that there is no need to add to people's paranoia about theft. And for me, it wasn't that Ken posted the link - this is a travel forum. It was his comment about needing to be "especially careful" next time that made me think "why?"

Posted by
32417 posts


I posted this as a "general interest" story, and a reminder to be vigilant even when going through airport security.

The news media here has been continuing to cover this story, and in news reports today they had a few more interesting facts. Apparently over 400 security screeners have been fired in the U.S. since the TSA was started in 2003. One of these was probably the screener that took the money from Rebecca. I'm sure this also occurs in other countries in varying degrees.

In addition to thefts when going through screening, there's also the issue of theft from checked luggage. I found this article interesting.....

Posted by
2349 posts

In every profession there are honest and dishonest people. It is ridiculous to assume that most airport screeners are thieves. It is equally ridiculous to assume that all religious professionals are honest. There are also varying degrees of dishonesty. Some people will work very hard to separate you from your valuables, while others will only palm something if it's easy.

I try to go through life with the basic assumption that most people are good and honest, but alert to the fact that a fair percentage of them are not. Keep your radar up and working; listen to your instincts. No one else will watch your belongings as well as you do. Or should. You don't have to be a suspicious jerk about it. But it's your stuff.

(Slightly related-I absolutely hate it when a woman will say "watch my purse" when she leaves a table. No, you watch your purse. It's your purse. OK, I realize that's completely unrelated but I just wanted to rant.)

Posted by
12315 posts

The risk is primarily with checked luggage and gate-checked luggage (because people forget to pull valuables out of gate-checked bags) while they are out of your sight.