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Didn't Tour Alum discount used to be $100 ?

Hi,, just noticed that for each tour you have taken you get a 50 dollar discount,, which frankly,, I am not impressed with anyways,.. But, I thought the discount used to be 100 dollars,, which ,, since the tours are definately not cheap.. I thought was a lot better.

Was it just my imagination or did the dicount get discounted.. perhaps a few years ago??

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3313 posts

As far as I know, it's been $50 for a long time.

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3580 posts

You are right, pat. When I first took the tours in 2000-2001, there was a $100 discount for former tour-takers who were signing up for one of the longer tours (21 days, I think). Over the years the price of tours has gone up and the discount has dropped to $50. If you are a veteran of several tours, it still can add up to a tidy amount.

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8 posts

Last year, if you booked early for a 2009 tour (from mid-July 2008 through mid-October 2008), you got $100 tacked on to your alum discount.

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102 posts

Alumni discounts have changed from 2001, when each city tour was $50, tours up to two weeks $75, while the longest were $100. Please recall also how touring dropped after 9/11, the euro value shot up, and costs overall rose. For a while this many etbd-toured traveler was disapointed, and travel must go on. Larry from springfield, who always values rick's tours and discounts.

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11507 posts

thansk, I am glad I wasn't completely imagining that the discount used to be different.

I have only taken the one tour( Family Europe 14 days) ,, and enjoyed it and considered it good value,, but,, it is and was a pricey trip,, and I know I can travel independently for less( although I know the value of the tour is manifested in different ways).

I would like to try another tour in a few years( right now,, having just returned from a solo indendent trip I have to say I had the best time ever so far in Europe) maybe to a destination I would be less comfortable in travellin solo( Turkey or Eygpt maybe??)

Posted by
83 posts

Yes, I seem to remember it was $100.00 at one time also. It seems Rick is feeling the effects of the recession as well. I could have a bit of fun with this and make a remark or two but I'll be a good boy here and keep my opinion to myself. :)