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Detergant wash question

Has anyone used Euclan when washing their clothes in a sink? I read you don't need to rinse it out. I'm wondering if anyone used it and if it's better then say woolite? If not what is a good non liquid wash I can use. I was about to buy the Euclan travel packages but wanted to ask folks here first. Thanks

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23650 posts

Have no idea. But we use CampSuds available in most backpacking oriented sport stores. Designed for min water. Extremely concentrated - 3 or 4 drops is all that is need for a sink full of water.

Posted by
281 posts

Fels-Naptha is a good option. It comes in a 5 1/2 oz. bar but you can cut in half for travel purposes. I also like Forever New powder. I measure it into small zip lock bags available at most craft stores. The Feis-Naptha is Available at hardware stores and Forever New is available at Dillard's and
Macy's in the lingerie department.

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9371 posts

I just use a drop or two of the hotel's shampoo to wash clothes. It is designed to remove body oils and such, and seems to work as well as anything else, at no expense.

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1010 posts

My husband and I have used "Forever New" for seven years now We take two containers for a seven week trip. We also use foam hangers we bought from a travel store (Magellan's). We wring out our clothes by wrapping them in our bath towels. I use "Forever New" at home regularly for delicate clothes anyway. It works in cold or warm water for all fabrics. It doesn't cause a lot of foam to be left in the clothes either. We also take a rubber sink stopper, as a lot of sinks, bath tubs or showers don't have them. It is easy to do a lot of clothes, divided by colors, in the bottom of a shower.

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9062 posts

basically all detergents work the same. No magic ingredients that make dirt vaporize. The main difference is in the scent they add to make you feel cleaner. No rinsing helps keep the scent, but that stuff that you were intending to wash out of yor socks - where does most of it go if you don't rinse? I have used everything including woolite, shampoo, bar soap, and those small dry sheets of detergent made for traveling. Nothing works as great as a real wash, but they all work good enough.

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977 posts

I pack a doubled baggie of plain Kirkland ( Costco brand) powdered detergent, and one of powdered Clorox 2 color safe bleach when we do a sinkful of whites. Cheap, easy, never wind up using it all and it stays in an outside pocket.

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1082 posts

I use Woolite, it cleans my clothes well and I can carry it in a large Go-tube, a small amount is all that's needed for my typical sink load.

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10719 posts

Stan and Nancy,
Thank you for your answers. You've changed the way I do the nightly handwashing.

Posted by
864 posts

I take a couple jumbo zip lock bags (the 2.5 gallon size). Squirt of camp suds in water (or whatever - just not conditioning shampoo). Cheap dish detergent also works well. I soak my socks (especially) either overnight or while out to dinner. Rinse in sink well and then soak with a tiny squirt of fabric softener (I take a small 3 oz bottle of concentrated softener). The softener helps t-shirts etc. remain less wrinkled. FYI: Socks without softener added may dry stiffly but will actually absorb sweat better. Ditto undergarments. This does a good enough job until I can get real laundry done (once every 10 days or so). When I have real laundry done I spring for a drop off pick up place. I time my laundry day to match my every tenth day off schedule. No where to go/see/tour, just eat, sleep, nap and then nap some more. Wandering is good - but no goal in mind is critical lol.