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Denver travel meeting

When: Saturday, March 15, 10:00 AM
Where: Panera Bread at Aspen Grove, Mineral & Santa Fe

Posted by
2252 posts

I would like to come but can't on the 15th. Will keep watching for one I will be able to get to-next time, I hope! Andi

Posted by
19234 posts


we always meet on the third Saturday of the month. Looking forward to meeting you.

Posted by
4412 posts

Does Andi live with Frank? ;-) Perhaps just at his compound?

Posted by
19234 posts

Eileen, good, at least someone is paying attention.

But no, Franktown, fortunately, has nothing to do with "our" Frank. It's a town SE of Denver.

Posted by
4412 posts

"Eileen, good, at least someone is paying attention."


"That time already."

Ah...the enthusiasm... ;-)

Good news on Franktown. I was afraid that perhaps Frank had gotten too big for his britches...Franktown, Frankbank, Franksupermarket, FrankPanera...

Posted by
2167 posts

Frankly, I am planning to be there. :-) My DH might even join us again. He had a great time last month ... we had a really lively group.

Posted by
23548 posts

It was 75 yesterday, now 25 and snowing hard. Weekend should be OK.

Posted by
23548 posts

Too many postings keep driving this down. Back to the top.

Posted by
19234 posts

Frank (and anyone else),

there is no longer any need to post a new reply to send the thread back to the top of the list. Merely find one of your old replies and click "edit", then click "save changes" - even if you didn't make any changes. I just brought this thread back to the top that way an hour ago. I noticed that feature when I found a typo in an old reply and edited it, and the thread came to the top of the list.

Posted by
14549 posts

Thanks for the tip on using the edit function!