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Denver group meeting, Nov 17

One week and counting. Hopefully there will be more than two this time. Saturday, November 17 at 10 AM, Panera Bread in Aspen Grove.

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23548 posts

Should make it. We are entering our last week in the extended stay. Frank

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33464 posts

We are entering our last week in the extended stay. I bet it can't come soon enough, eh, Frank?

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23548 posts

You know it !! Came here on Aug 14 with not much more than one carryon. We have about five changes of clothes and it is getting old. We were traveling for abut three weeks in Sep/Oct. Be glad to get our good stuff out of storage.

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19237 posts

I want to encourage all of you regulars and semi-regulars from Denver to come to this meeting as we might have a special guest. Ron, from SW Missouri, might be coming through Denver and would stop to meet us.

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4412 posts

Whew, Frank! After watching your countdown, I was afraid that perhaps you had prognosticated some great disaster in our very near future...

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23548 posts

Have the first quality check walk through today. The list is long but mostly small stuff. Next walk through is Monday. AND the roof is about half finish. so it should be finished by this weekend. Just waiting for mid-roof inspection by the county. Slowly coming together.

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4412 posts

This is one of those rare times to (kinda) sweat the small stuff - like during our final walk-through when I realized that the bottom of the cabinets over the fridge (fridge not yet installed) came at mid-nose on me...a little low for my new fridge to fit under 8^O Caught lots of little AND huge things during my once-a-day building-site visits... Enjoy your very own wifi 8-D

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23548 posts

How about the electrical outlets along the back of the kitchen counter top not being high enough to clear the counter top?

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799 posts

I'm hoping to make it this month, though I'l only be able to stay an hour or so.

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143 posts

I had hoped to be there, especially to meet a fellow Missourian, but I've been asked to sing at a funeral at the same time. Hope to see all of you next time!

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4412 posts

"How about the electrical outlets along the back of the kitchen counter top not being high enough to clear the counter top?" LOL! ask for a lot; picky, picky ;-)

Posted by
19237 posts

Tomorrow. One day and counting. BTW, our SW Missouri guest reports he has car trouble and will not be in Denver on Saturday.