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3262 posts

Not only am I impressed - also envious! It's time to think about getting an Atlanta group together!

Posted by
19 posts

Lee, Would you be kind enough to tell us more about your group?

Posted by
19237 posts

Just a bunch of us wall regulars, including Arnold, Centennial Frank, and me who get together once a month to discuss whoever isn't there (just kidding) - give travel advice to newbies.

Posted by
19237 posts

Webmaster, I know Rick is in town several (4?) times a year for Public Television "beg-athons". If he is here on a Sat morning he would be welcome to attend one of our meetings. I can't speak for the others, but I think we would actually re-schedule our meeting just for him. Aspen Grove is at the Mineral Station, at the end of the Southwest, 'C', light rail line, direct from downtown Denver. . . . . . . ¶ Sharon, go for it. Pick a spot in Atlanta. Do you have a Panera? No preference for Panera; in our case Aspen Grove was between our homes, and Panera has Wifi. Pick a time (3rd Saturday is traditional) and post a notice.

Posted by
10548 posts

Our Sacramento group has adopted the 3rd Saturday tradition. It is so much fun putting faces to names. Our "meetings" last for hours, because we have so much to talk about! I second the invitation for Rick to join us. He will be in Sacramento tomorrow. Too bad we can't take advantage of that!

Posted by
23554 posts

But he would have to buy his own coffee, We are a cheap group.

Posted by
4412 posts

Heck, we're pretty cheap in Sacramento, too, but we'd take a collection of spare change - no doubt we'd have enough to buy Rick a LARGE coffee ;-)