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Delayed travel plans

Hi, friends. I'm newer here and with so many names that come and go, I certainly don't expect you to remember me! But I wanted to hop on and share our update, that unfortunately our travel plans to York + London for our first trip to Europe together -- which we figured out thanks to so much kind and helpful support here -- are most likely going to be delayed because of pressing family matters on both of our sides. (We're having a real doozy of a year. Oof.)

I'm making peace with it while also holding on to inspiration and hopefulness moving forward. That trip will happen, one day ... as will all the others I'm planning out in my head (Belgium ... Norway ... Budapest ... and on and on)!

In the meantime, I'd love to remain part of this community, chiming in, if not (yet) with practical/logistical help, then at least with enthusiastic support of everyone's plans and experiences.

Posted by
8380 posts

Yep, unfortunately, life interferes.

In my trips, it has always been a balance between work demands, family needs, and any number of other problems.

A few times we have needed to just go, have confidence things work out, if we become too cautious, then we never would travel.

But have hope, travel will happen, and things will be great.

Posted by
11857 posts

If you do stay on this website you'll learn even more to benefit your now delayed trip. You are very welcome and encouraged to stay part of this website.

Posted by
745 posts

Wishing you the best with your family pressures.

And hold on to the fun of planning. We have had more trips delayed/cancelled (health, Covid) than we would have liked but I have kept the itineraries and some have been rescheduled and done while some others wait. You will get there when the timing is better and savour it all:)

Posted by
5074 posts

I keep multiple spreadsheets with various trip plans going, even if the trips don’t seem imminent! Sometimes something pops up unexpectedly.So keep hanging!

Posted by
8704 posts

Hannah, I remember you! I love the name Hannah so that could be why. :-) I'm so sorry to hear that your travel plans have been delayed, but keep in mind that it gives you even more time to enjoy, to plan, and to anticipate!

And please keep checking in here. Even if your plans are on hold, there's no reason why you can't start making wish lists. As TexasTravelMom said, most of use here are planning multiple trips at the same time. I'm currently at 2026, but starting to think about 2027.

I hope that life gets better quickly!

Posted by
3203 posts

Hannah, yes, please remain part of the forum. Dreams and hopes help ease the disappointments. Your trips will give you something positive to plan for. And you will learn so much about travel. Best wishes to you as you works through life's trials.

Posted by
15192 posts

"Even if your plans are on hold, there's no reason why you can't start making wish lists. As TexasTravelMom said, most of use here are planning multiple trips at the same time."

I agree AND will add that if you suddenly have a window of opportunity (and the budget, lol) you may be able to put part of your plan in action very quickly.

Posted by
34632 posts

so sorry your plans have had to be put on the back burner - I know that feeling well.

You know what? I think that yours is the first offer I can remember over the years of somebody offering to be a cheerleader for others' plans. I think that's just what our Forums need!! What a great idea. Thanks....

Posted by
2947 posts

I am sorry your trip is not happening when you thought it would be. That is always a disappointment, but one that many of us have had happen. Don't worry, it will be even better when you do get to go! Plus it gives you more time to fine tune the trip and see what all else you might be able to do:)

Yes, cheerful support is always nice! Glad you will be hanging around:)

Posted by
2708 posts

"Delayed" is better than cancelled. You WILL get there!

Posted by
2710 posts

Of course I remember you--your questions about my favorite hotels in London and Edinburgh allowed me to re-live some of my best trips! I, too, am side-lined for who knows how long due to the health issues of loved ones and while sometimes it's hard to read about everyone else's fabulous trips, I also get a lot of satisfaction from offering my 2 cents to others in the Forum--you are very much welcome here!

Posted by
2923 posts

Ditto what others have said, a cheerful supportive forum member is always welcome. I am in similar boat with needing to be close to home in 2024. I am still trolling the forum to see where people are heading, comment if I have anything to offer, and to read trip reports that usually make my personal wish list even longer. I also find out about things I didn't know were issues and try to learn from others' mistakes/mishaps/etc. Do stay engaged and follow along. And choosing to support family is also extremely important and rewarding "travel" on the path of life.

Posted by
2717 posts

These posts are a good reminder for me - and add a cheery sense of camaraderie. You’re not alone - sometimes life cuts off travel plans - but not travel dreams! We’re unexpectedly stalled out for at least 2024. I’m sad about it - but coming here and reading posts still makes me feel connected:)

Posted by
165 posts

Thank you, everyone; there's so much kindness here. I really appreciate it (and will gladly take up the honor of forum cheerleader until my own time comes)!

I truly appreciate everyone's replies, and I also want to share how warmed I was by seeing so many of you here who had chimed in on my previous posts and in super-helpful and fun DM conversations: Claire! Mardee! Pam! Mary! Christa! (and Carrie, if you show up later I'll give a pre-emptive shout out!). All your words of support, encouragement, and advice to keep planning are deeply received.

I also just want to pause and really honor those of you who shared you're in similar circumstances. Christa, CL, and Valerie, I'm sending so many warm wishes your way. CL, I especially appreciated this: "And choosing to support family is also extremely important and rewarding "travel" on the path of life."

Here's to all of our boundless curiosity of this big/small world of ours and all the inspiration it brings.

Posted by
470 posts

Hannah, I’m really sorry to hear your first trip is on hold and that is has been a tough year. I’m wishing you peace and for brighter times ahead, as well as an amazing trip when the time is right.

Posted by
8096 posts

Hannah, despite how rough things are now, I hope that when your trip happens it will be even better, with the extra time for preparation and planning you’ll have gotten. We just got home from a London trip a couple of weeks ago, and despite having visited before, we did and saw lots of new things this time.

Until the next trip, I’m getting regular notices from The Londonist … lots of events, exhibitions, and unique things in, and around London. It’s not quite like being there, but it makes for interesting reading, and some inspiration for being there. In case you want to subscribe to their free e-mail info, here’s the latest from them:

Posted by
165 posts

Meg and Cyn, thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. And thanks for the link to London happenings!!!

Posted by
1114 posts

Hannah, I too recall your emerging travel plans, you did a great job taking advice and leaving the rest, coming up with an itinerary. I'm so sorry you've had to postpone your trip for family reasons. Oh boy I recall a few years like that... Well sounds like meanwhile you will be learning more about how and where you will be heading next. I once planned a trip to Norway while spending a very painful day having hip injections... we went a few months later. Hope you get back to traveling soon!

Posted by
165 posts

Sandancisco, thank you! I so appreciate this. (And, remember when Paris was part of the itinerary?! face palm emoji) Where's your next trip taking you?

Posted by
1114 posts

HA yes I do recall you trying to squeeze Paris in! Well done for asking and taking some of the advice suggested. In answer to your question, I'm very fortunate to be a resident & spend part of the year in Uppsala, Sweden so have just come from there. Heading back to Sweden in August for a few months & we're thinking of a 4-day trip somewhere in early October, maybe Vienna. It's intriguing from the standpoint of oh so many museums, beautiful architecture and let's face it, desserts! We did take a fun 2-day staycation to Stockholm, only an hour away for us, in case you'd like a bit of armchair touristing further north....

Posted by
2525 posts

Wow so.refreshing to have someone so positive.. Instead of complaining about a delay in travel plans you are offering to be a cheer giver. That is what we need when times get rough to look at someone like you!!! Bravo and please do not go away.

Posted by
5663 posts

What a lovely post, in the face of tough times.

While you're on hold, there are also forum travel groups. Some are online and we're always happy to have new people join! Sometimes we're traveling and sometimes we're not - we were reliving old trips in 2020! But we're always building our travel wish lists.

That's a caution, in case it wasn't clear! ;-)

There are also local groups, and if not in your area, you can consider starting one...I did!

Posted by
1114 posts

Hey that's a very good point CWS, we'd love to have you join us Hannah! I suspect our next meeting won't be until June, (maybe July?) some are in person but many are on-line. East Bay CA group but we've had people zoom with us from as far away as England.

Posted by
221 posts


I'm sorry to hear of your delayed travel plans. I was in your situation last year. In October I had to cancel a trip two weeks before we were scheduled to leave. For me, I kept reading this forum and got ideas for so many trips to Europe I had to make a list of future possibilities. I guess you could say the forum gave me hope at a sad time. I see you are doing the same. Best of luck to you with the family matters. Please know I will be sending good thoughts your way.

Traveler Girl

P.S. We have rescheduled our delayed trip for October this year! And we took our first RS group tour last month! Having a much better year this year.

Traveler Girl

Posted by
165 posts

Sandancisco, ohhh I'm totally checking out your Stockholm getaway! That's a city that's for sure on our list. (I suspect we were Scandinavian in previous lives lol.)

Gail, I appreciate the warm words -- and I'm also chuckling because I can certainly do my fair share of complaining. (Especially when it's hot and humid; see: Scandinavian past life.) But I will acknowledge that one of my strengths is genuine happiness for other people's joys, so in that regard I am well suited to be the forum cheer-er on-er!

CWsocial and Sandancisco, oh wow! What a kind offer to join your next meet up. I'm definitely interested in Zooming in!

travelergirl, oh I'm SO happy to hear you're on the other side of your own delay. I'd love to hear more about the group tour and the upcoming rescheduled trip -- I'll check your posts!

As an aside, I've been following the thread about the forum dRaMa and I have to say, with gratitude, that I've been met with such kindness here, ever since my first post as a complete newbie just last year. Thanks, all.

Posted by
5663 posts

You'll find our posts in the Travel Group Meetings section:

I've posted our upcoming June 15 meeting early because I'm traveling. You'll find that announcement and other local and online meetings and can join what suits your interest and availability. There will be plenty to cheer and plenty of contagious travel enthusiasm!

Posted by
34632 posts

I too hope to see you at the Travel groups that CWsocial and Andrea hold on Zoom most months!

Posted by
1114 posts

Yes Hannah please do come join us, but fair warning, get your laptop up to full power, this is a TWO HOUR long travel marathon. Thanks for the kind words about my short Stockholm Staycation, it was so luxurious to not get on an airplane. Hope you come join us. Oh, and the techie talk about how to plan travel is OTT. We're almost as into planning as we are to actual travel...

Posted by
165 posts

I love nothing more than nerding out to detailed planning! Thank you again for the kind invite, and for pointing me in the direction to that thread! I'm definitely going to try to make it!