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DeGaul to Strasbourgh

Should we take the train from Charles DeGaul to Strasbough or drive.
Time vs cost

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21274 posts

There are 3 direct TGV's to Strasbourg daily from CDG that take 2 1/2 hours. Try that in a car and you will be exceeding the speed limit enough to get somebody's attention.
There are also several more trains requiring one connection that take about 3 hours.
"Walk up" fare is 168 euro for 2.

Posted by
8889 posts

Train is quicker. Unless you have enough people to fill up the car, train will be cheaper, especially if you book in advance and get cheap fares. Trains is a lot less stress, especially after coming off a long flight.

  • Train: 2½ to 3 hours, cost: from €48 per person
  • Car: 5 hours+, cost: Hire charges + Toll 35.90 € + Petrol 55.58 €

P.S. spelling is Strasbourg. Misspelt place names is often the cause of not being able to find travel info on the internet.

Posted by
32388 posts

Train would be the best method, especially as there's a TGV station at CDG. The TGV trains run at up to 300 kmH when they get going, so no car can (legally) match that. If you can connect with one of the direct trains from the airport, travel time will be ~2H:27M.

Posted by
10342 posts

Another vote for the train. It's simply SO much faster than driving. you can't drive (and especially with picking up rental car, driving while jet lagged after arriving etc!!) as fast as you can get there on the train.

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16895 posts

If committing to a reserved, advance-discount fare (which do start quite cheap), remember that the ticket is no good once the train departs. I'd allow 3 hours at CDG to make your transfer, but any significant flight delay could spoil that plan and leave you buying a new train ticket.

Posted by
15098 posts

If you want to get there in Strasbourg after the TGV would, then drive. My vote is for the train. I've done this TGV from Paris to Strasbourg, saves paying for gas by the liter.

Posted by
15798 posts

It is a very bad idea to drive after a long-haul flight when you are jetlagged. It's the equivalent of being "under the influence" as far as reflexes and concentration go.