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Deciding on overall cost

We plan to take our twin boys to Europe in summer 2012 (they'll be 13). We are starting to save now and want to know roughly how much we should expect to spend for one month of travel?

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23557 posts

That is an absolutely impossible question to answer. Where you are going, travel modes and amount of travel, type of lodging -- hotels, apartments, etc., etc.... If you want a ball park -- take what it would cost you to travel in the US for a month and add 40% plus cost of airline tickets. And if going to the Scandinavia countries -- double it. Going to Turkey, about even.

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14 posts


Of course everything comes with a caveat. Depends greatly on what your tastes are, especially in lodging, food, transportation. In other words, the real biggies. We (family of five including kids of 15, 13, and 7) just spent three weeks in France and Italy and averaged something over $1,000 per person per week all in including all of the above plus all the miscellaneous stuff like souvenirs. Can you do it cheaper? Yes and I'm sure there will be many who will say that's too much. But, again, it depends on your family situation, what you like and where you're going.

With a 7-year-old in tow and two other kids, we paid more for family rooms wherever we went (and sometimes two rooms when family rooms weren't available). Rental car for 10 days was not a necessity but it helped with our particular trip and itinerary. (Again, we paid more for the extra room.) We did a combination of planes, trains, buses and rental cars. Not always the least expensive but we were frugal. A Ryan Air flight from Paris to Venice, for example, instead of a train. Several hundred dollars of savings with that one decision. But we also stayed at a beach house on the Amalfi Coast for a week which was more per day than a hotel, especially because we needed five beds.

I'd be interested to hear what others averaged. Savings for us came with our choice of flights to and from Europe (we flew out of Toronto for a big $$ savings versus Detroit which was three hours closer). Having a house with a kitchen allowed us to buy food and cook at home. We used public transportation whenever possible. And we ate simply, but well.

Hope that helps.

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9 posts

We took our 2 girls ages 8 and 9 to Spain in January. I just added up the costs for hotels, rental car, and flights and we spent $3900.
If you take out the cost of our airline tickets ($2200) that leaves $1700 for hotels/apartments and transportation for 9 nights. Now multiply times 3 for approximately 1 month and you get $5100. You add back in your ticket cost and food and souvenirs you can get a ballpark.
I can't help you with the food and souvenir category, we chintz on bringing stuff home, but splurge on good food. We don't eat cheap.

Our rooms were always family rooms and the occasional apartment rental. You will need the same thing since there is no such thing as a double queen room in Europe.
Hope this helps.

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873 posts

James, the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012. I'd say summer prior to the end of the world is a prime time for a vacation.

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1589 posts

No, Anna, it will be crowded by those seeking one last fling!

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173 posts

Its not unreasonable to plan that far ahead. I'm going to Europe in September and I have been seriously planning for about 2 years. Once you nail down your ball park total, figure out what you have to set aside monthly to reach it and then work out the minor details closer to when you depart. Just don't stray from your budgeted amount.

Posted by
873 posts

True, but it sounds like that won't be too different from summer in Europe normally :)

And just think of all the people who won't go to Europe because the Rick Steves board wasn't able to convince them of its superiority. That should cut down on crowds.