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December Trip - contingency planning

We're planning a December trip (Florence/Paris/London) and I'm wondering if I need to make certain allowances due to the ongoing energy crisis. For example, was planning on a mix of small hotels/short-term rentals, but thinking it might be prudent to stay in larger chain hotels this time b/c they would be somewhat less likely to be negatively impacted. Thoughts?

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6113 posts

Prices have gone up for everybody. I would stick to your original plan - smaller businesses would probably value your custom more and need customers to pay the bills. Don’t exacerbate their challenge.

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457 posts

I'm sure even the bigger chain hotels will be cutting back where they can so I don't think it will matter ... just toss another blanket on the bed at night and plan to take quick showers, the water might be a bit chillier than you would like.

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1405 posts

dslovett, you are about 2 months out from your trip, which was the same time frame as us when we booked for our trip next month to Spain. What I have noticed is that our original booking prices (flights, hotels, trains) are increasing significantly with each passing day. I am not sure if it is related to energy or economy. It just may be a simple case of supply and demand within the 60 days. I suggest that you book first and figure it out later. There is no downside if the the bookings have cancellation rights.

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8558 posts

Stick to you original plan. We almost never stay in four or five star hotels, preferring BnBs. You should be fine.

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8331 posts

My experience to date? Larger chains are more capable of adjusting utilities to meet government requirements, Temp needs to be kept down to some low level, all they do is set the value in the computerized system and all rooms comply, water temp, same thing.

Smaller places do not have that type of control, you will have the control in your room (which, be clear, you should try to comply with any guidelines) for heat, maybe even water temp.

It is also easier to police, and verify compliance with the big guys, the small ones? Energy cost will be the main driver.

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10820 posts

Living in France, I haven't noticed much difference. I have reservations at small hotels coming up in Paris and Barcelona and found prices the same. I agree with Jennifer and would stick with the independent hotels.

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1977 posts

One word: base layer.

Seriously though, just have something light warm and cozy that fits under your other stuff and I think you'd be good for the occasional too cool hotel room.

Stick your plans, it'll be fine 😁