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daily travel money-where to keep?

It seems most people recommend about 50 euros for daily travel money. Where is the best place to keep this, such that it is safe from pickpockets? I have front Velcro pocket in my pants, so that seems like the best place. It seems with the Velcro, it might be harder for a pickpocket to get at, I don't know. I could always add a safety pin to the pants pocket for added security I think RS said he keeps his daily funds in his shirt, in a button down pocket in front. But several of my shirts have no pockets.

Posted by
1976 posts

I agree with the others. Pockets are good. I keep my daily money in a wallet in my daybag. If I'm pickpocketed (hasn't happened so far, knocking on wood!), at least I'm out only 50 euros or so. Not the worst thing in the world.

Posted by
9369 posts

Your velcro pocket sounds fine to me, too. You aren't going to be constantly closely surrounded by anyone trying to get your money, and it looks awkward to have to dig under your shirt for a no-longer-hidden stash.

Posted by
100 posts

Its in a passport holder that I hang around my neck under my shirt ...I have nothing in my pockets at all.

Posted by
989 posts

Your daily spending money should be easily accessible - I don't think you want to be digging it out under your shirt. Your velcro front pockets seem more than adequate.

Posted by
23548 posts

As I am fond of repeating my favorite travel pants has 17 pockets, 11 secured by zipper or Velcro. Basically I used a number of pockets for a variety of purposes - change in one, paper bills in another, transit tickets in a third, passport if needed that day in another. Pickpockets do not just stick their hands in your pocket hoping to find someone. They will try to mark you and observe where the cash is. Keeping a little cash in one secured pocket and not flashing a stash of cash goes a long way in making sure their attention is focused on someone else.

Posted by
258 posts

Agree w/ the posts above re: not having all your $$ in ONE place on you. You want easy access to your daily $$, it should not be a very large amount, and it should also be in a pretty safe/secure place (such as in a front pocket; minimizes the chances of pick-pocketing; pocket w/ zipper, as mentioned above, etc. ). Related; In my money belt (which fits comfortably around my waste, under my pants and shirt) I keep my passport, 1 extra emergency credit card, 1 emergency ATM card and emergency cash. That way, in the VERY unlikely scenario that I am ever robbed, my day-pack is stolen, my luggage is stolen, etc., I am NOT totally destitute. I would still have ample means to get myself back to my hotel, or go straight to the airport, and get back to the States safely.

Posted by
1806 posts

@Frank: 17 pockets with 11 secured by velcro and zippers? Is it possible to post a photo of those pants on here as they sound like the ugliest pair of travel pants ever created. Do you ever pair the pants with one of those hideous travel vests with 30 pockets on it so you can play a touristy version of "the shell game" with the pickpockets? Although with 17 pockets I would guess the pickpockets would have to study you for a long time to figure out which pocket to even attempt to open to take 5 Euro and a bus pass off your hands - and that's just wasting valuable pickpocket time.

Posted by
23548 posts

Easy, Ceidled. I am sure they look much better than the pants you wear. That is the whole idea - keep them confused. We have spent close to a year in Europe over the past 18 years and have never seen a pickpocket. So something works.

Posted by
11507 posts

SEVENTEEN pockets,, I don't have enough material in my slacks for there to be 17 pockets,, lol I guess this is a man question,, so hard for me to answer from personal experience, but I agree the velcro pocket should be ok.
i keep my daily money in my purse.

Posted by
32322 posts

@Ceidleh, "one of those hideous travel vests with 30 pockets" Wait a minute, I resemble that remark! My venerable Tilley Vest is one of my favourite and most used travel accessories, and especially good for hauling photo gear. I find it to be much more convenient than a Day Pack. Whether it's "hideous" is of course "in the eye of the beholder". @Dave, I also tend to use shirt pockets for daily operating cash much of the time, as the cash is readily accessible. I have one travel shirt similar to This Shirt, which has somewhat of a hidden pocket. However, at times I also use a Wallet which is attached by a chain. Happy travels!

Posted by
1806 posts

Note to Self: Compose angry letter to Michael Kors demanding he design a ladies travel pant with 17 velcro pockets as part of his Fall 2012 Collection so I can look as good as Frank while holding up buses all over Europe as I try to remember which pocket has my transit pass.

Posted by
1525 posts

I agree that 50 Euro in a velcro pocket is just fine. I have seen travel pants with multiple pockets that look quite nice (note these are not "cargo" pants - most pockets are flat, pocket-within-a-pocket, or interior). But then again, being a male, I've never owned a piece of clothing that came from any "collection", be it Spring, Summer or Fall - nor do I want to. I also have a Scottevest jacket with 20 pockets that looks just like a perfectly ordinary flat jacket, as most of the pockets are interior. Not good for summer travel, however.

Posted by
32322 posts

dave, If you're really worried about theft, you could always pack along a pair of Tilley Pants: Many of these have a secret pocket on one side secured with Velcro. It's a really tough Velcro, and I defy any Pickpocket to get it open!

Posted by
12313 posts

For me it's just in a front pocket. I don't worry about securing it, by definition it's money I can afford to lose. If I'm in an area that seems dicey. I put my hand in my pocket. Getting into a neck pouch regularly defeats the purpose of the neck pouch. First, you're showing everyone where your valuable stuff is. Second, you're keeping it handy, rather than tucked safely away under layers of clothes, which means it's also accessable to crooks.

Posted by
84 posts

Caution! Friend had wallet taken from lower leg pocket of cargo pants while napping on train from Italy. He was sitting with 11 other family members on train. Velcro is not always so safe I guess.

Posted by
3941 posts

Yes - was also going to mention a friend had a lower pocket slashed in his cargo pants in Spain on a subway train - lost his passport! Yikes - so just be aware of your surroundings...

Posted by
884 posts

Your velcro or front pocket would be just fine for your daily money.
17 pockets, one pair of pants. Is that considered packing light?

Posted by
4535 posts

Note to OP and recent posters: This is daily money ONLY! By definition, you should only carry enough to pay for small things. If for some reason it did get stolen, you don't lose much or ruin your vacation or even your day. If the amount gets low, replenish it from your moneybelt. NEVER carry credit cards, passport or large amounts of money in you pocket.

Posted by
360 posts

front pockets are fine, I find people are generally a little overly paranoid about getting pick pocketed
don't keep a wallet in your back pocket or backpack, be aware of your surroundings and don't let strangers stick their hands in your clothing and you will be okay

Posted by
35 posts

My husband carries the daily cash in either his front pants pocket (where's he's confident he will feel a pickpocket:) or in an interior zippered pocket on his jacket, if he wears one. His pants are just regular old docker-style pants, no zippers:)

Posted by
989 posts

I am still trying to get my head around SEVENTEEN pockets!! I'm afraid I couldn't keep track of what I stashed where. I have two pockets on the front of my handbag and I can never keep track of which one holds my cell phone. I guess if I consistently kept in the same one, it would help, but I guess I'm not that OCD. Frank - I am impressed.

Posted by
2349 posts

This thread seems to be intersecting with the one about how to save money for travel. Seems Frank stashes money in his travel pants, and when they weigh over 50 lbs, it's time for another trip.

Posted by
23548 posts

I know it is hard to convince someone that the front pockets are not safe. But a front pocket is better than back pocket. Common sense tells you that they cannot get into your front pocket. But common sense often means no cents. This was posted last year - I have always carried my wallet in the front pocket of my jean. My jeans fit fairly tight so I was convinced that no one could take anything from that pocket with my knowing it. I was coming down the escalator just as the subway train was arriving. So everyone, self included, started running for the car and there was a big jam with a lot of pushing at the door. After the car started moving I realized by wallet was gone. James
Chicago, USA

Posted by
1806 posts

Since a lot of men have a habit of sitting on their arses with their own hand down their pants watching sports on tv all day, it's not hard to believe they would be completely oblivious to having some pickpocket stick his hand in there too! Doesn't Pacsafe sell any steel reinforced anti-theft Man Purses so the rest of us don't have to listen to all that Velcro being yanked apart at museums or cathedrals as they search all those travel vest and pant pockets for a camera or a Tic Tac? C'mon, people! We are talking about enough cash for 1 day...not a week. Is it really necessary to have 40 Euro on maximum security lockdown?