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Customs issues in Spain?

I plan to fly into Spain in Feb. 2011 and return home (US) from England in Aug. 2011. I would like to buy tickets asap, but many airlines won't book more than 337 days in advance. Is there any way? If not, I may purchase two separate one-way tickets. If I arrive in Spain with only my ticket for a flight 6 mo.s ahead from England to US, will I be sent back?
I've heard things like "they won't let you in unless your departure ticket is less than 3 mo.s away" is this true?

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23557 posts

First, it is immigrations and not customs. Second, two one way tickets would be very expensive. Are you in a study abroad program or is this just something you are doing?

What you are bumping into on the three month ticket is the requirement that you can only spend 90 days out of 180 days in any of western Europe countries (Schengen Zone without a visa. England does not count. So if it is three months in England and three months in Spain your are OK. What they are concerned about is you becoming another illegal alien. Don't want to do that. So tell us exact what you are trying to do for that six months so that the advice is appropriate.

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9369 posts

First off, you can't legally stay in Europe for six months unless you have a special visa of some sort. The countries of the Schengen Zone (which include Spain and most of the rest of western Europe) limit a tourist to 90 days out of the 180 day period that begins on first entry to the Zone. Therefore, if you arrive on Feb 1, 2011, you can stay a total of 90 days between Feb 1 and Aug 1, 2011 (roughly - I didn't actually count the days in there). Once you use up your 90 days you would have to leave the zone until after the end of that 180 day period.

As for purchasing tickets, you will find that two one-way tickets will cost almost as much as two round-trip tickets, and it won't solve your problem.

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16053 posts

Here are my suggestions....before you leave for Europe, buy your air tickets US to Spain and England to the US. Also buy your ticket that will take you from a Schengen country to England (Eurostar, Ferry, Air) and make sure that ticket is less than 90 days after your arrival in Spain.

With this, you prove you're leaving Schengen within 90 days. Upon arrival in the UK, you'll have your departure information so the UK authorities will let you in.

You will probably need to prove that you have enough money to pay for your entire trip when you arrive otherwise they might think you'll be looking for temporary employment. And if they think that, you're going home. The same applies to the UK.

If you had planned to stay in the Schengen area more than 90 days without an extended visa know two things: First, you can be fined. Second, you can be banned from entering Schengen for up to 10 years.