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currency exchange

Is it better to use ATM machines in Europe (Paris in particular) or exchange US dollars at banks or perhaps Am Ex offices? Thanks.

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1178 posts

Recommend ATM sure to let your bank know you will in eurpoe. Less trouble, no hassle, and I have had no problem....the bank there may set a daily limit on the, get some each day...

Posted by
9110 posts

', get some each day...' or just go to another bank in the next block. That way you're only working against the withdrawel limit of your bank. In fact, sometimes, you can even get another chunk out of the same ATM if you work the process twice.

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2788 posts

This question gets asked at least once a week. Go to "Graffiti Wall" then to "Money/Communication" then to "ATMs: Minimizing your Fees" elsewhere on this web site to see what information is there. Taking US money to Europe to exchange there for the local currency is the most costly of your options.

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23550 posts

And you would be lucky to find an Am Express office or anyone who will take Am Express.

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4412 posts

If you listen closely you can hear the shutters slamming shut on those venerable old AMEX offices; kinda sad...(sigh)...