I was wondering if anyone else has had their limits with crowds?
I now realize that I do not like crowds. Not sure if it is sensory overload or just the pure insanity of it all, but I now plan future trips to avoid crowds as much as possible.
I know it's not possible to avoid them completely, but I have recently decided to skip some places knowing it will be jam packed.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that people have the same right and desire as I do to see new places, only I am now choosing to avoid them as much as possible or use whatever tactics I can to minimize my exposure to them.
I tend to travel off season to more crowded places, seek out places not high on the tourist radar, and try to find the best time of day to go. If I decide to go somewhere I know will be crowded I do my best to research the best way to beat the crowds.
As an example, I recently visited Miniature Wunderland in Hamburg. (By the way, it was amazing.) It is notorious for being overcrowded. My original reservation was for 1:00. But I was told to go later in the day before closing. That day it closed at 6:30 PM so I made a reservation for 4:30. When I first arrived I wasn't sure if it was Miniature Wunderland or I had been transported to the NYC subway at rush hour. I could hardly move let alone see much.
At 5:00, the crowds thinned out and by 5:30 the crowds were down to about 25% of what they were an hour before. I could now enjoy the place.
And sometimes I blow it. I went to the Chelsea Market (NYC) the second Saturday before Christmas. Two mistakes--just before Christmas and on a Saturday. To say it was crowded was an understatement. Sardines are packed in cans looser than what I experienced. I just kept thinking: "Get me the ^x&* out of here"
Anyone else feel this?