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credit union card

I know this topic HAS to have been discussed - but after searching pages of topics, I couldn't find the answer I'm looking for. I've read people mentioning that if your debit card has the Cirrus or symbols other than Star - you'll be able to use them at European ATM machines. I also read that as long as it has Mastercard or VISA - you'll be fine.

I have a credit union debit card (just got it - never been w/ a credit union before) but I notice it has none of those typical Cirrus, Star, etc. symbols on the back. But I should be fine as long as it has the Mastercard symbol?

Are there any advantages of using a credit union debit card overseas vs. a regular bank debit card? I've could use either a Boeing Employees Credit Union debit and a WaMu debit. Obviously I know the WaMu charges fees. The credit union says they "may" charge fees.

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2575 posts

It may go without saying, but ask your credit union, or call Mastercard to confirm. Tell them where and when you're going while you're at it, otherwise you may have your card blocked. I agree with other posters to take a backup card from another spot. My credit union card has Visa symbol and Cirrus on the back, it worked fine all over Italy, Ireland, and in Amsterdam.

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9109 posts

You will have no problems. Cirrus and all the other networks are owned by Visa or Mastercard. Thus, if you have an MC or Visa debit card, you can already use those networks.

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9369 posts

I use a credit union debit card myself. I don't know if it's because it's a CU card or not (I don't have a bank one to compare to -- I take two different CU cards when I travel), but they never charge me any extra fees when I get money overseas. I'd say take both to be on the safe side, but use the CU one as your main one.

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23534 posts

Actually the WaMu debit card is not a bad deal -- 1%. My son is on a five month honeymoon -- started in Tokyo and will end in Frankfurt. Has used the card almost everyday with no problems.

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32303 posts

Brita, I use a Credit Union (Canadian) card extensively while travelling, and have never had a problem. You might check with your financial institution just to confirm that it will work in Europe. Note that your funds must be in a chequing account, with a four-number PIN.

It's a really good idea to take at least one "backup" card, as well as at least one credit card.

Happy travels!

Posted by
313 posts

Brita, we used only our BECU card last year in France. I think if you try calling again, you may get a better answer than "may charge fees." We did all our research then and found it to be our best option. I can't say whether there have been changes by now, but at least I can say that it definitely works.

Posted by
313 posts

One other point -- we also took a VISA credit card along to put the car rental for the sake of the insurance it provided.

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5 posts

Thanks for the help. We'll plan to use the credit union debit card but take back up debit and our credit card. I feel much better about all of it!

Posted by
12313 posts

With the Mastercard logo, you will be able to access nearly 100 percent of European ATMs. I would worry about a credit union card only if it didn't have a Visa, Mastercard, or at least one major Syndicate logo on it. Otherwise you are fine.