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credit cards

I am hearing more and more that American Express is less and less welcomed.
My Visa card is and credit and debit card at the same time. Does that work well?

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3050 posts

I've been in Europe for 6 months and only a handful of places take AmEx (and none take Discover, which was what my credit card was before I wisely cancelled it!) However debit cards with the Visa logo will work most places that say they take Visa, and will work at ATM machines. Just take out cash at an ATM machine as you normally would at home, and if you can't use your debit card somewhere, just pay in cash.

Posted by
28 posts

You are correct that AmEx is not welcome in many places. It is my understanding that merchants are charged quite a bit by that company and so many won't take them. I've never had a moment's trouble using my Visa debit/credit card in Europe (last trip 12/2010). Just be sure to call your bank and let them know you'll be traveling!

Posted by
805 posts

As in the US, VISA/MC are by far more commonly accepted than Amex. Mostly Amex seems to be accepted at places that cater mostly to foreign tourists or are parts of international chains. You'll do fine with your VISA though, it works just like a CC as long as you have enough $ in the account to cover the transaction of course.

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11 posts

What a wonderful site this is. Thanks to all of you for your input. It is invaluable. Nick

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12313 posts

Visa or Master Card credit cards will be accepted by anyone who accepts credit cards. That includes bigger retailers, fancy restaurants, car rental companies, major hotel chains, trains and airlines. Using your credit card for these purchases is fine. Check your credit card company's fees to make sure they're reasonable. If not, shop rates and open new accounts before you travel. American Express isn't nearly as acceptable as a Visa or Mastercard. In a pinch, you can find some merchants who will accept AmEx, you just have to look for them. Diners Club or other cards are even less accepted than AmEx, I wouldn't recommend any of these (unless you're trying to get out of picking up a check). Let your bank/credit card company know you are traveling so they don't put a fraud alert/hold on your accounts. Bring the non-800 number for your bank/credit card so you can call if they put a hold on your account even after you tell them not to. Many small merchants, cafes and small budget hotels don't accept credit cards, they want cash. To get cash, a debit card with a Visa or Master Card logo works perfectly. Use it at any ATM (they really are everywhere). I use my debit for cash only, not purchases. Remember your daily withdrawal limit (and when it refreshes each day). I carry no euros with me and have yet to have an issue getting cash before I leave the airport. As with credit cards, check the fees your bank charges. If they're outrageous shop around and take your business elsewhere. Worst is about $5 + 3% fee for every withdrawal. Best is no fee, but you have to have certain accounts for that. I found quite a few places that charge 1% total and don't require min. balances, etc.

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32323 posts

Nick, As the others have mentioned, American Express not accepted as readily in Europe (and indeed here at home as well). I've spoken with merchants about this and have been told that: - AmEx charges higher merchant transaction fees than Visa / MC - AmEx is slower in paying than some of the other credit card firms (ie: they hold the funds for awhile before reimbursing the merchant) Therefore it's mainly very large businesses that are willing to handle AmEx for the convenience of their clients. Of course if they're paying higher fees, those will eventually get passed on to the customers in one form or another. One important point to note is that many smaller businesses in Europe will NOT accept credit cards at all. Be sure you have a "primary" ATM card and a "backup" ATM card, as you'll probably be dealing in cash some of the time. Some smaller Hotels will accept bookings with credit cards, but insist on payment in cash. Happy travels!

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2788 posts

As long as your DEBIT card is tied to a CHECKING ACCOUNT you will be fine at almost any ATM machine in Europe. I always take a second debit card from a different financial institution as a back up just in case something goes wrong, which it did one time.