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Cpap machines

Can you rent cpap machines while you are in Europe?

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8293 posts

Sorry, but I don't understand the need to rent if you have your own machine. Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to just take it with you?

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1446 posts

One of our traveling companions travels with one, for his own survival - his wife wouldn't sleep a wink if he didn't ;-) He puts it in a case on its own - with nothing else. Then he also has a proper carry-on with him. Even going through security, he has no problems and can bring both pieces as legitimate carry-on. I've been on several flights with him this way. He brings with it 2-3 different plug adapters (longer prongs, different shapes). That's only because the electric plugs themselves can vary in shape and depth, even though technically the same plug is used throughout a given country. A small extension cord has also proven very useful - this he just packs in his suitcase.