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Couple of questions about hostels

Im going to europe for 3 months. England. France. Spain. Italy. Austria.

Couple of questions.

  1. Do I need to get a Hosteling international card before I leave? I will be pre booking my hostel through hostel bookers.come before I leave each city and it doesnt tell me there whether I need any sort of a membership to register there.

  2. What size towel do I need to bring. I saw in the travel store two size towels, a big bath one and a small one. Is the small one enough to dry myself in private or will I need a large one to cover myself up and go from bathroom to room. I want fast drying time, less to bring but i need to make sure I'm covered if hostel bathrooms are not private.

Thank you.

Posted by
1525 posts

Very few, if any, hostels require the HI card to stay, but without it, you will be charged a few $/day extra - enough so that after 5-6 nights you would have been better off just buying the card.

Bring whatever kind of towel you want. Personally, we just bring ordinary towels - just not super thick, large or heavy ones. Many hostels have some private baths. If not, I find most people dress in the bathroom shower area & there is little need to worry about being exposed. Bring flip-flops in case the bathrooms are less clean than you would hope.

Posted by
12 posts

You will only need a Hostelling International card if you are going to be staying at their hostels. Other hostels don't require a membership card.

My husband and I each bought the big bath towel and were thankful. They dried much faster than faster then regular towels that were provided in some hostels. I wouldn't have wanted to go smaller, but that is probably just personal preference.

Posted by
9110 posts

Regarding the towel business, do what Randy said and bring what you have. To determine the size, dry yourself at home starting with a wash cloth and working up. Stop when you have the smallest one that will do the job.

Posted by
881 posts

HI cards are good for HI hostels (which I've never been to fond of - full of school kids, etc), but some places will also give you discounts with them...

As for towels, I like to take what they call a "bath sheet" which is a really thin towel (aka dries fairy quick), and is slightly larger than a beach towel - but nowhere near as thick.

If the hostel doesn't provide bedding, you can use it was an extra layer under you, or as a pillow, or as a picnic blanket, beach towel, etc, etc, etc. They're thin enough, they don't take much room. And they'll definitely cover you!

Walmart used to sell them for under $10.00.

Posted by
590 posts

If you aren't staying in alot of HI hostels, I would just fork over the couple of extra dollars a night that they charge you for not having a card.

As for the towels, I brought a towel around with me for the last two summer trips (and I hosteled it) and never used it. All the hostels I stayed at had towels for free use or you paid a very small fee to use them. I don't bring towels anymore.

If I am going to beach destinations I bring a sarong and use that as a towel/blanket/wrap etc...

Posted by
1829 posts

This is the site for the Youth Hostel Association in the UK. You do not need to be a member but will need some sort of ID eg passport.

Posted by
1568 posts

You can book your hostel yourself online and reconfirm a couple of days in advance. Take your reservation confirmations with you.

We use the following for choosing our hostels and reviews:

I am a small women and use Rick Steves' largest travel towel. The towel is fast drying and folds up very small...takes no room in luggage. We also use the towel to soak up excess water from clothes when laundering them.

Personally, I did not see anyone travel between shower and room with a towel wrapped around them. They have hooks or an area to place dry clothing.

Enjoy your trip.

Posted by
1568 posts

You can book your hostel yourself online and reconfirm a couple of days in advance. Take your reservation confirmations with you.

We use the following for choosing our hostels and reviews:

I am a small women and use Rick Steves' largest travel towel. The towel is fast drying and folds up very small...takes no room in luggage. We also use the towel to soak up excess water from clothes when laundering them.

Personally, I did not see anyone travel between shower and room with a towel wrapped around them. They have hooks or an area to place dry clothing.

Enjoy your trip.

Posted by
12313 posts

I got an HI card. You don't need it but it does save a little each time. In theory some Hostels require a card, but I haven't noticed any that insist you have a membership. If you ran into that, they would sell you the card there.

A membership is supposed to give you priority when booking, but from what I can tell it's first-come first-served so I don't see them taking a room away from someone to give it to a member.

I take a towel that's the size of a gym towel. It works for me. It packs well and accomplishes what I need. The one I'm using now isn't a "travel" towel. It came with a car wash set at Costco. It's plushy microfiber, works well and dries quickly.

If you need a washcloth, you need to bring that too or you can pack the dry paper, pre-soaped, kind. I've used those; they pack great and work well.