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Cool and wet summer in Ireland

We're on our way soon. I know Ireland is not a warm country, but should I pack my hooded cotton rain jacket or just take along a rain-proof windbreaker with hood? Mostly short-sleeved shirts, or mostly long-sleeved? I'm taking very little and want to make good decisions!

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3551 posts

Plan for rain & cold! take a fold away poncho they are cheap and found at REI, travel stores, army supply and like. Long sleeve shirts and layering is imp. weatherwise shoes & folding umbrella also.
It is a pain to get soaked or try and buy when you get there.

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5678 posts

Take waterproof jacket with a hood! The storms come in off the Atlantic and can dump water. I don't travel as much in Ireland, but I do a lot of Scotland and the weather is similar. Pack layers. My long sleeved shirts are usually ones that can be worn over my short sleeved T's. You may be lucky an not need any of it, but if you don't bring it with you, sure the sun rises tomorrow you will get rain. And, you don't want a little rain to slow you down. Pam

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881 posts

Plan for cold, wet, and sun. It's very windy there generally, summers can get sunny, but you'll mostly likely hit a rainy patch. Prepare for all. Dress in layers!

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5 posts

Thank you all. Your responses support my gut instinct about the jacket. I'll take my old standby rain jacket. Looks like I'll be digging into my California winter clothes for a few long-sleeves!