I am looking to hear about your experiences in market/cooking classes in Paris,
Amsterdam and Barcelona. I am interested in hands on classes where you learn about
the culture and history of the country and how the food helps you relate.
Thank you.
I did a market cooking class with two friends in Paris with a company called Cooking with Class. We had a good time but not enough to justify the cost. I felt back at the school it was a bit rushed and not hands on enough. However, they do get good reviews.
Hello Phyllis,
I only read your inquiry regarding cooking classes in Paris this morning. IF you are still looking for a class in Paris I can recommend La Cusisine, http://lacuisineparis.com/. My sister, niece, and I took two classes there in the summer of 2015.
I highly recommend the Pastry Class, I still use some of the techniques I learned that day. The macaron class was fun but way to many macarons and tastings...I thought I was going to OD on sugar! You expressed an interest in culture and history as a part of the cooking experience. Whereas the La Cuisine classes provided many technique hints there was very limited information on culture and history as part of the lessons. For you this would be considered a weakness.
Now, I have a question for you, I am highjacking your question. Did you find a cooking school in Barcelona you can recommend. I will be in Barcelona the first week of November 2016 and am considering a cooking class.
Happy Travels,
Hi, We did our Paris cooking class with Le Foodist. It was near the hotel and
very convenient. I liked the class but I actually enjoyed the class in Barcelona a bit
more. The food was delicious in both classes and did enjoy both classes, too.
We took our class in Barcelona with Barcelona Cooking and went on the market tour as well.
It was a lot of fun. The market in Barcelona was much bigger than the one in Paris and
we saw so many interesting things there. We made paella, gazpacho, tomato bread, and
creme brulee (Spanish style). It was delicious. Let me know if you decide to go there.