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Contingency Plans for Ash Cancellations--Update

We're scheduled to fly to Madrid on Thursday. That same flight has been canceled for today (Monday.) We have some flexibility in our schedule--what would you do? Try to rebook for another city?

Do any of you have a contingency plan? What is the easiest way to re-book a flight? Are some cities that are better bets for this round?

It's a challenge to sit still and wait to see what happens!

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32324 posts

Some of the news reports I saw today indicated that the ash cloud is dissipating somewhat and many flights are returning to normal. Hopefully that will continue!

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3262 posts

Thanks for your replies!

I had wine with dinner and a handful of chocolate chips so I'm feeling better. The Volcano Concentration Map makes it appear that Madrid might not be the best option.

I called Delta to see is we could re-book for an earlier flight (you never know) and they said that we couldn't re-book until our flight is canceled.

Que sera will all work out one way or the other!

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115 posts

If you are flying with an airline that has a decent alliance structure and your flight is cancelled, try flying in to the nearest open airport. At least you'll be in Europe and not stuck in an airport.

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3262 posts

We are scheduled to leave today and things look much improved after canceled flights to Madrid on Monday and Tuesday! We're packed and ready to go! Thanks again for the good suggestions.