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Connecting Flights in Europe

We are flying from Marseilles, France to Dubrovnik, Croatia. In looking into flight options, it seems that we need to book two separate flights on two separate airlines in order to get less expensive flights--one from Marseilles to Rome and then from Rome to Dubrovnik. The difference between doing this and just looking up flights from Marseilles to Dubrovnik is several hundred dollars and almost a day's worth of travel time.

Is there some reason for this? Is there something we don't know about customs or rules that would somehow prevent us from making the flights? We would have a 4 hour layover in Rome. Please no suggestions to stay in Rome longer or see other parts of Italy--not this trip. Thanks.

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1221 posts

Some routes just have less competition than others, and you may also be running into routes that don't have that many code share options for a less common flight routing. 4 hours should be okay when you're originating in Schengen and connecting in a Schengen area (unless Croatia wants you to pre-clear somehow in Rome-any Croatia travelers lately have experiences?) Just be aware that if something goes irregular badly-weather, mechanical, crew strike, etc- you'd have to pay out of pocket to buy a new ticket to Croatia instead of the airline putting you on the next available flight, and you'd also have to be in touch with the airline before you missed that original flight to avoid having your return ticket cancelled for the first no show.

Some airlines will interline your baggage with other airlines, even outside their alliance, so you don't have to pick up your bag until Croatian customs & immigration. Others will make you pick up and recheck your bag in Rome on the second flight. Verify which applies after you book your ticket because that does eat up probably half an hour of your connection time if you need to recheck.

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4 posts

Thank you! Any thoughts on the reliability of Air France (Marseilles to Rome) and Vueling Airlines (Rome to Dubrovnik), or info on carry on and checked bag limits? I have read the "fine print" on their websites and it's not all that easy to understand.

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16895 posts

Staff and readers have often flown with both airlines and don't have any concerns about their reliability, relative to other airlines. Vueling's carry-on weight limit is 10 kilos (22 pounds) and Air France's intra-European
is 12 kilos. If you're not packing quite light, you may have to check your bags separately on each and to reclaim and recheck them in Rome. Vueling, among others, offers a disount if you pre-pay for checked luggage when you buy your ticket.