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Confused about hotel ressie...

I found a great rate that was billed as non-refundable. Works for me, so I booked it, but the reservation confirmation says they aren't charging my card and that the card was only for a guarantee. That doesn't make sense to me. Should I contact the hotel, or not worry about it?

Along the same lines, as I am reserving hotels in Europe, many of them are simply that... guaranteed reservations, but not actual bookings. Any chance I can convince the hotels to charge me now so I can get the current exchange rate? Or will I have to wait and actually pay for it at the time of the trip and hope that the exchange rate stays low?

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16053 posts

Except for the non-refundable reservation, which is non-refundable, a guaranteed reservations works likes this.

You have booked a room. The hotel guarantees that room will be available when you arrive. If you are late, they hold the room. If you don't show up, they charge you for the room. Most, except the non-refundable, will give you the latest time you can cancel without charge. Some are day of arrival, some a day before, some even longer.

Most hotels will not charge you for the room for a simple reason. It's a hassle if you cancel. They then have to put in a request for a refund. If they haven't charged the card, and you cancel, all they have to do is press: "delete."

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23557 posts

You really do not want them to charging you prior to arrival. That is not smart business. If you show up and something is wrong -- misplaced reservation, unacceptable room, etc., -- now you need to get your charged reversed. Could be a hassle. You have only 60 days on a credit card to challenge the charge. If beyond 60 you will have to claim a fraud - harder to do. You use a credit card to protect yourself but early payment can lose some of that protection.

Besides a guaranteed reservation IS a booking unless you expect them to assign you a room -- that is not going to happen. And the exchange rate could go even lower.

Posted by
446 posts

I agree that it is preferable not to have your credit card charged in advance for a room, for various reasons such as, you might find the room unacceptable, your plans might change, etc. Unfortunately, however, there seems to be a trend in the hotel industry these days to price rooms cheaper if you agree to a non-refundable payment for the room in advance. If the hotel is a well-known chain, such as Hilton, you don't run much risk that you will find the room unacceptable, but in the case of small, family-run establishments, that could be a problem.

In this case, best to read as many Internet reviews of the hotel as you can find to increase your chances of not being dissatisfied.

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19 posts

This is a small hotel in Amsterdam recommended by many on this board, so I am assuming that the non-refundable issue is not a concern. Thanks all!

Posted by
2053 posts

Informative thread. Thanks for OP and responses. Wondered about this myself.