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Condolences To Rick and the loss of his Mom

I'm sure RS doesn't read all these, but just wanted the rest to know his work has been such a huge part of my relationship with my own Mom. Thank you RS and family for making travel so easy and non-intimidating for the novice. She always refers to his books as "the Rick James" so that's what his advice is called in our house :) Thanks and God Bless Sir.

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11507 posts

I didn't know he lost his mom,, having lost mine I know its hard, no matter when it happens.
Sorry for your loss Rick, like Leslie says you may not read this, but the webmaster will and hopefully will pass on our condolences.

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3428 posts

Dealing with the loss of a parent is always difficult (I know, as I lost my Dad 2 years ago). Our thoughts and prayers will be with Rick and his staff during this time.

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2798 posts

I saw yesterday that he had put a nice story about his mother on facebook. I enjoyed reading it. Rick and his family are in my prayers. This is from facebook posted yesterday 1/18/2012...........June Steves: Losing My First Travel Partner While two weeks has passed since her death, I'm still coming to grips with my mother being gone. I've had a busy holiday season and, in the midst of so much else churning all around me, I wanted to share with my friends on Facebook the news of her passing. In... by: Rick Steves If you go to Ricks blog here on his website you can read the whole story.

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884 posts

Do read his Facebook/blog update on the loss of his mother. It is very touching.