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cities with street art action

Which cities would you say are the best for a young couple visiting Europe next Fall? He is a singer/artisan and she's a painter and actor. They have already chosen Barcelona and Prague but would like to visit one or two more cities with street performances, music, etc. Thanks a lot!

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3428 posts

London has great stree art! There are buskers in the subway and Covent Garden and Leciester Square have artists, performance artists and muscians as well as jugglers,etc. Salzburg Austria also has muscians and street artists.

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7 posts

Thanks for all the replies!
No, they don't want to perform but to watch, it's always good to know what's happening in other places.
Seems that Germany would be a good choice.
We'll see, thanks a lot again.

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1358 posts

You'll run into that pretty much in any big city. But I remember you can't swing a dead cat in Paris without hitting a street performer.

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3261 posts

Berlin has a lot going on and it's about a 6 hour train trip from Prague.

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9140 posts

Pretty much all of the big cities here have lots of street performers. My question is, are they looking to perform or just to watch? This will make a difference as every city has its own laws about street performers.

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162 posts

When I visited Florence, Italy 5 years ago I saw a couple literally create street art. They were drawing a lovely picture about 4 sq m in area on the street in chalk to last only as long as the next rain fall. And I heard a fabulous violin player performing the solo Bach Sonatas and Partitas.

In Vienna this past summer, I saw more mimes (human statues) than I have ever seen in one location.

Each July, Avignon in the south of France has a summer festival with concerts, but the streets fill with buskers and other kinds of street art.